markup copied to clipboard
rendering README.ipynb in a project entrypoint page
Hi folks
I just created a project whose README is not in markdown, but a notebook instead
The thing is that when I point at the project’s entry point here then the notebook is not rendered, but instead displayed as a raw json file, which kind of ruins the whole notion of a friendly entry point ;)
Is it a fair assumption that this is a bug ? Or is there just something I should have done to get this to behave as expected (i.e. that the project entry URL renders the notebook)
Would be a great addition IMHO :-)
PS. I have initially sent this request to the github support, who redirected me here
EDIT august 2019: the project that I pointed out as an illustration is no longer valid, as I changed the repo layout to get this to work as expected, but the gist of my initial comment is stil valid
Supported, this struck me, too. We use as a format for documentation, but would much, much prefer to use notebooks as they are much richer and easier to create for non-programmers, too!
hmm interesting
There is a (non-)working example in .
To me it seems really seems more like a bug, than a missing feature...
This issue can be avoided by keeping the README in markdown and using the jupytext extension. Jupytext allows you to edit markdown and python in jupyter as if they were notebooks.