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Single part upload using GitHub storage
This PR introduces the ability for the GEI CLI to upload archives to GitHub-owned storage using single part uploads. To enable this, a new CLI option, --use-github-storage, has been added. This option allows users to explicitly specify that their archives should be uploaded to GitHub's managed storage instead of their own.
Key Features: Single Upload Support: Leveragingsingle upload for file uploads. This ensures the robustness of the uploads, minimizing the chances of failure during transmission.
New Option: --use-github-storage:
This option is required to upload archives to GitHub-owned storage and will be hidden until GitHub-owned storage reaches general availability (GA). By default, archives are still uploaded to user-specified storage locations unless the --use-github-storage flag is explicitly set.
As discussed during our EDR, we want to allow users to utilize GitHub-owned storage as an option without making it the default. This approach lets us roll out GitHub-managed storage in stages and gather feedback while providing an explicit way to opt-in to this feature.
Check in BBS MigrateRepoCommandArgs removed, relating to changes in this PR:
Take it out for a 🚗 :
*** Remember to export env variables***
export GH_PAT=<<YOUR_PAT>>
Migrating from GitHub Enterprise Server:
dotnet run --project src/gei/gei.csproj -- migrate-repo --github-source-org valet-testing --source-repo integration-tests --github-target-org octoshift-staging --target-repo YOU_ADD_NEW_NAME --use-github-storage true --ghes-api-url --verbose
Successful migration_id: RM_kgHaACRlZjNiMmExMy02ZTRkLTQ0NWYtOTc4Yy05YTk1MTQ5NzE2OTk
Migrating from BBS:
Source repo: You'll need to add yourself to the pinhole firewall at Here's the SSH key (and other creds) for our bbs-test-o instance:
dotnet run --project src/bbs2gh/bbs2gh.csproj -- migrate-repo --bbs-project IM --bbs-repo codeowners-test --ssh-user bbs --ssh-private-key /Users/begonaguereca/.ssh/id_rsa_bbs_octoshift --use-github-storage true --bbs-server-url --github-org octoshift-staging --github-repo ADD_NEW_NAME --verbose
Successful migration_id: RM_kgHaACRhODI4NWRmZS0yNWM3LTQ1YjEtYTJhOC1jYmZjNTkxZDE0Mjk
- [ ] Did you write/update appropriate tests
- [ ] Release notes updated (if appropriate)
- [ ] Appropriate logging output
- [ ] Issue linked
- [ ] Docs updated (or issue created)
- [ ] New package licenses are added to
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