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Kudos badges and creative assets for Gitcoin

Results 105 kudosbadges issues
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# Timeline # Title # Design Inspiration # Down Payment # Gen0 Owner Address

# Timeline # Title # Design Inspiration # Down Payment # Gen0 Owner Address

One of the themes of Ethereal this year is "90s theme". As such, we will be creating a batch of 90s themed Kudos for the event this year. We would...

Contemporary Indian kingdom.

# Timeline # Title # Design Inspiration # Down Payment # Gen0 Owner Address

The following links in the readme are dead: - LICENSE (bottom of page, should go to https://github.com/gitcoinco/kudosbadges/blob/master/LICENSE instead) - Kudos design guide (under "[to create a new Kudos](https://github.com/gitcoinco/kudosbadges#to-create-a-new-kudos)" - link...

# Timeline # Title Sultan of shill # Design Inspiration https://www.google.com/search?biw=960&bih=946&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=speAXNP8CqHcjwSMq5-4DA&q=sultan+disney&oq=sultan+disney&gs_l=img.3..0j0i8i30l2j0i5i30j0i24l2.4609.5192..5305...0.0..0.67.383.7......1....1..gws-wiz-img.......0i67j0i30.1Wn2jKd6gIQ # Metadata ``` - name: description: priceFinney: numClonesAllowed: to_address: tags: - tag1 - tag2 ``` # Down Payment #...

# Timeline If possible we would love to have it for ETHWaterloo. # Title ETHWaterloo Mentor! # Design Inspiration Honestly the only thing that would be nice to have is...

# Timeline one day # Title Thinkium # Design Inspiration Thinkium's LOGO https://qn-mall.chainopen.cn/%2FImage%2F67918a32-6de0-48c0-a6ad-c69d0bc7054e-origin.jpeg?imageslim # Down Payment https://etherscan.io/address/0x55e969fd2988d15573f97c94ca5af703165ddad7 # Gen0 Owner Address 0x3420B866404ab344dd74D8856881f23a1A03b2CE