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Generic migration tool for RDBMS and other resources based on Liquibase

Solidbase build Maven Central License

Generic migration tool for RDBMS and other resources based on Liquibase.

  • Multi-database (based on Liquibase)
  • Multi-resource (not only RDBMS)
  • Multi-module (modules can have their own versions)


Add dependency

Add following dependency into your Maven pom.xml:


or for Gradle add to build.gradle:

implementation 'io.github.gitbucket:solidbase:1.0.5'

Define migration

Create the Liquibase migration xml files under src/main/resources. For example:

  • src/main/resources/test_1.0.0.xml

      <createTable tableName="person">
        <column name="id" type="int" autoIncrement="true" primaryKey="true" nullable="false"/>
        <column name="firstname" type="varchar(50)"/>
        <column name="lastname" type="varchar(50)" nullable="false"/>
        <column name="state" type="char(2)"/>

Define migration that migrates RDBMS using these XML files:

import io.github.gitbucket.solidbase.migration.LiquibaseMigration;
import io.github.gitbucket.solidbase.model.Module;
import io.github.gitbucket.solidbase.model.Version;

Module module = new Module(
  // module id
  // versions (oldest first)
  new Version("1.0.0", new LiquibaseMigration("test_1.0.0.xml")),
  new Version("1.0.1", new LiquibaseMigration("test_1.0.1.xml")),

You can also add a migration for resources other than RDBMS by implementing Migration interface. Added migrations are executed in order.

import io.github.gitbucket.solidbase.migration.LiquibaseMigration;
import io.github.gitbucket.solidbase.migration.Migration;

new Version("1.0.0",
  // At first, migrate RDBMS
  new LiquibaseMigration("test_1.0.0.xml"),
  // Second, migrate other resources
  new Migration(){
    public void migrate(String moduleId, String version, Map<String, Object> context) throws Exception {


Then, run migration as below:

import io.github.gitbucket.solidbase.SolidBase;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import liquibase.database.core.H2Database;

Solidbase solidbase = new Solidbase();

  DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:h2:mem:test", "sa", "sa"),
  new H2Database(),

Differences between the current version and the latest version are applied.


Solidbase creates a following VERSIONS table to manage versions automatically:

Column name Data type Not Null

Solidbase uses this table to know the current version. When migration of the new version is successful, it updates the version with the new version.


XML migration

LiquibaseMigration migrates the database by Liquibase like XML as above.

XML schema is improved from Liquibase to be possible to declare column information as attributes instead of nested elements. And a default variable ${currentDateTime} is available in the XML:

<insert tableName="person">
  <column name="firstname" value="root"/>
  <column name="lastname" value="root"/>
  <column name="registeredDate" valueDate="${currentDateTime}"/>

SQL migration

SqlMigration migrates the database by native SQL.

Apply RDBMS specific configuration

In the default, LiquibaseMigration and SqlMigration try to load a file from classpath as following order:

  1. Specified path with _${database} name suffix (if specified)
  2. Specified path (if specified)
  3. ${moduleId}_${version}_${database}.${extension}
  4. ${moduleId}_${version}.${extension}

It's possible to apply different XML/SQL for each databases by creating multiple files such as gitbucket_1.0.0_h2.sql (for H2 database) and gitbucket_1.0.0_mysql.sql (for MySQL).

for Developers

To release arifacts, run the following command:

$ mvn deploy -DperformRelease=true -DskipTests