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This is an official implementation for "Intra- and inter-epoch temporal context network (IITNet) using sub-epoch features for automatic sleep scoring on raw single-channel EEG".


By *Hogeon Seo, *Seunghyeok Back, *Seongju Lee, Deokhwan Park, Tae Kim, and Kyoobin Lee (*: Equal Contribution)

This repo is the official implementation of "Intra- and Inter-epoch Temporal Context Network (IITNet) using Sub-epoch Features for Automatic Sleep Scoring on Raw Single-channel EEG", Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 61 (2020): 102037. [paper]


The architecture of IITNet: Model Architecture

Updates & TODO Lists

  • [X] (2022.03.22) IITNet official repository is released.
  • [ ] (2022.0X.XX) DeepSleepNet [1] baseline is added.

Getting Started


  • python >=3.7.0
  • pytorch >= 1.7.0 (or compatible version to your develop env)
  • numpy
  • scikit-learn
  • pandas
  • mne
  • terminaltables
  • termcolor
  1. Install PyTorch with compatible version to your develop env from PyTorch official website.
  2. Install remaining libraries using the following command.
    pip install -r requirements.txt

Data Preparation

We evaluated our IITNet with MASS, SHHS, and Sleep-EDF dataset. You have to convert dataset from .edf into .npz format.

First, download .edf files and annotations MASS, SHHS, Sleep-EDF. For the MASS and SHHS dataset, you have to request for a permission to access their dataset. You can download SC subjects of Sleep-EDF using the following commands.

cd data
chmod +x download_physionet.sh

Second, preprocess .edf into .npz format using the following command. We referred prepare_physionet.py in DeepSleepNet repository.

python prepare_physionet.py

After preprocessing, the hierarchy of ./datasets/ directory will be the following:

├── MASS/
│   └── F4-EOG/
│       ├── 01-03-0001-PSG.npz
│       ├── ...
│       └── 01-03-0064-PSG.npz
├── SHHS/
│   └── C4-A1/
│       ├── shhs1-200001.npz
│       ├── ...
│       └── shhs1-205804.npz
└── Sleep-EDF/
    └── Fpz-Cz/
        ├── SC4001E0.npz
        ├── ...
        └── SC4192E0.npz

Each .npz file contains input eeg epochs with the shape of (total_num_epochs, 30 * sampling_rate) and target labels with the shape of (total_num_epochs) with the key 'x' and 'y', respectively.

Train & Evaluation

You can simply train and evaluate IITNet using just main.py.

$ python main.py --config $CONFIG_PATH --gpu $GPU_IDs

For evaluation only, add --test-only argument when you run the script

Example Commands

  • Train and Evaluation MASS (L=1) using single GPU (gpu_id=0)
$ python main.py --config ./configs/IITNet_MASS_SL-01.json --gpu 0
  • Train and Evaluation Sleep-EDF (L=10) using multiple GPUs (gpu_id=1,2)
$ python main.py --config ./configs/IITNet_Sleep-EDF_SL-10.json --gpu 1,2
  • Evalution trained SHHS (L=10) using single GPU (gpu_id=3)
$ python main.py --config ./configs/IITNet_SHHS_SL-10.json --gpu 3 --test-only


  • For each fold, checkpoints that have the best validation loss are saved at ./checkpoints/CONFIG_NAME/.
  • Overall result is written in ./results/CONFIG_NAME.txt with the order of FOLD ACC MF1 KAPPA W-F1 N1-F1 N2-F1 N3-F1 REM-F1.
  • Overall and per-class results are printed like the following figures: Output


If you find this project useful, we would be grateful if you cite our work as follows:

title={Intra-and inter-epoch temporal context network (IITNet) using sub-epoch features for automatic sleep scoring on raw single-channel EEG},
author={Seo, Hogeon and Back, Seunghyeok and Lee, Seongju and Park, Deokhwan and Kim, Tae and Lee, Kyoobin},
journal={Biomedical Signal Processing and Control},


This work was supported by the Institute of Integrated Technology (IIT) Research Project through a grant provided by Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) in 2019 (Project Code: GK11470).


[1] A. Supratak, H. Dong, C. Wu, and Y. Guo, “DeepSleepNet: A model for automatic sleep stage scoring based on raw single-channel EEG,” IEEE Trans. Neural Syst. Rehabil. Eng., vol. 25, no. 11, pp. 1998–2008, 2017.


MIT licence