data-dump icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
data-dump copied to clipboard

A Perl module for pretty printing of data structures

NAME Data::Dump - Pretty printing of data structures

SYNOPSIS use Data::Dump qw(dump ddx);

 $str = dump(@list);
 @copy_of_list = eval $str;

 # or use it for easy debug printout
 ddx localtime;

DESCRIPTION This module provide functions that takes a list of values as their argument and produces a string as its result. The string contains Perl code that, when "eval"ed, produces a deep copy of the original arguments.

The main feature of the module is that it strives to produce output that
is easy to read. Example:

    @a = (1, [2, 3], {4 => 5});


    (1, [2, 3], { 4 => 5 })

If you dump just a little data, it is output on a single line. If you
dump data that is more complex or there is a lot of it, line breaks are
automatically added to keep it easy to read.

AUTHORS The "Data::Dump" module is written by Gisle Aas [email protected], based on "Data::Dumper" by Gurusamy Sarathy [email protected].

 Copyright 1998-2010 Gisle Aas.
 Copyright 1996-1998 Gurusamy Sarathy.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.