The implicit specification of the Ethereum bridge's request interface requires that the payload in errored tally results is an array of positive values. However, the node is not observing nor...
Throws an event for asset claims for better traceability
More than a bug report, this is more of a question on the reason why FungiblesMutate adapter passes true when doing internal transfers is there any security reason behind...
### What does it do? It benchmarks generic XCM instructions, which include the following instructions: ```rust fn query_holding() -> Weight; fn buy_execution() -> Weight; fn query_response() -> Weight; fn transact()...
### What does it do? Enables the following features in Moonriver & Moonbeam runtimes: - Installs pallet-ethereum-xcm, so that XCM to EVM calls are possible. - Installs a new XCM...
### What does it do? ### What important points reviewers should know? ### Is there something left for follow-up PRs? ### What alternative implementations were considered? ### Are there relevant...
The goal is to perform simultaneous scalar multiplication in solidity in a generic manner, providing the needed constants through arguments
It makes setMembers origin configurable in `pallet_collective`, with the goal of configuring an OpenGov origin that is able to change collective members polkadot companion: cumulus companion:
This PR decouples the `accountId` type from the `accountId32` type and rather makes emulator methods depend on the `accountId` type defined by the chain runtime in question. This is important...
Just initial draft on the idea of having a hook that is applied after session-keys are purged. This would allow to wire it with, e.g., pallet-invulnerables to immediately remove the...