django-feedback icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
django-feedback copied to clipboard

django-feedback is an app for easily collecting feedback from your users.

=============== django-feedback

Django Feedback is a simple Django application that makes it trivial to start accepting user feedback from authenticated users within your Django project.


Put feedback in your INSTALLED_APPS, and set FEEDBACK_CHOICES to a 2-tuple of feedback types in your settings file. For example::

	('bug', 'Bug'),
	('feature_request', 'Feature Request')

Also, be sure to include feedback.urls somewhere in your file.

Add feedback.context_processors.feedback_form to TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS, and feedback_form will be in the context for all authenticated users.

To support anonymous feedback, set ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_FEEDBACK to true in your settings file.


.. image::

Overview in your admin index. Allows you to see all feedback current in the system.

.. image::

Viewing a piece of feedback from a user.