Samuel Girardin
Samuel Girardin
- [ ] first add a way to register presets in M4 - [ ] add a inertia-vue3 preset to quickly scaffold a test
New update in Inertia.js doc about *Handling mismatches* and *CSRF protection* : - explain it with Masonite - check if we can integrate some helper in the adapter to ease...
The doc is a WIP here, first version should be available end of January 2021 🚀 Laravel and Rails are officially documented => the idea is to have same...
see here > This release adds the ability to nest props using dot notation (f316b80). This allows you to modify a globally shared prop from within a specific controller.
Hi ! I took over the Django Inertia.js adapter as the [previous one]( was not maintained anymore by [Andres Vargas]( I am opening this PR to update the link on...
Hello ✋ ! Based on the work of josephmancuso, creator of [MasoniteFramework](, I released an alpha version of the [masonite-inertia]( adapter for Inertia.js 🎉 . I am also doing the...