ionic-angular-parse-boilerplate copied to clipboard
Feature/Ionic Analytics
integrated analytics
side note saw that you created ionic-parse-facebook-auth are you going to integrate that in this repo?
I was following the example Ionic created here
Could you merge the duplicated .config
and .run
Like this:
.run(['$ionicPlatform', '$ionicAnalytics', function($ionicPlatform, $ionicAnalytics) {
//go to to see another example
//analytics docs
$ionicPlatform.ready(function() {
// Hide the accessory bar by default (remove this to show the accessory bar above the keyboard
// for form inputs)
if (window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins && window.cordova.plugins.Keyboard) {
if (window.StatusBar) {
// org.apache.cordova.statusbar required
Updated to combine .run and .config . So are you going to fold in User management from ionic-parse-facebook-auth?
Seems better now, I'll take a look later and merge asap. Thank you!
About the auth: ye, but I'm so busy these days. If you need it sooner feel free to implement and ask me for help, if needed.
I was wondering if makes sense to use Ionic Analytics instead of using Parse Analytics. Indeed it is a Ionic app boilerplate, but its intention is help users to easily build with Parse using all of their services. What do you think about it @ejwill?
@giorgiofellipe both are good options. Ionic Analytics along with the other Ionic services are going to play better with the Ionic framework than anything else. I know some analytic services are tripped up by the use of angular in Ionic. I have not done any research into Parse analytics to know if it has a problem with Angular or not. Another, thing to remember is we don't know what the pricing on the Ionic services are yet. They are free during beta tho.