BPNet copied to clipboard
Bidirectional Pyramid Networks for Semantic Segmentation
by Nie, D., Xue, J. and Ren, X., details can be found here
This repository is build for the proposed Bidirectional Pyramid Networks (BPNet), which contains full training and testing code on several segmentation datasets.
Hardware: tested with RTX 2080 TI (11G).
Software: tested with PyTorch 1.2.0, Python3.7, CUDA 10.0, tensorboardX, Ninja, tqdm, Easydict
Anaconda is strongly recommended
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/ginobilinie/BPNet.git
How to Train
- create the config file of dataset:train.txt, val.txt, test.txt
file structure:(split with tab)
path-of-the-image path-of-the-groundtruth
modify the config.py according to your requirements
train a network:
export NGPUS=8 python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=$NGPUS train.py
How to Test
- inference
python eval -e epoch_idx -d device_idx [--verbose ] [--show_image] [--save_path Pred_Save_Path]
Other Resources
Resources: GoogleDrive LINK contains pretrained models and some share models.
Train Parameters for BPNet_S4: steps(1100), epochs(80), base_lr(0.1), lr_scheduler(poly), momentum(0.9), weight_decay(1e-4).
Train Parameters for BPNet_S3: steps(1100), epochs(80), base_lr(0.1), lr_scheduler(poly), momentum(0.9), weight_decay(1e-4).
@inproceedings{nie2020bidirectional, title={Bidirectional Pyramid Networks for Semantic Segmentation}, author={Nie, Dong and Xue, Jia and Ren, Xiaofeng}, booktitle={Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Computer Vision}, year={2020} }
Our work uses part of codes from https://github.com/ycszen/TorchSeg and https://github.com/MendelXu/ANN. Thanks for the great work!