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Add support for constrained systems
This PR adds support for linear systems Ax=b
with constraints of the form x[i] = g[i], i in Idxs
. Since the PR already got somewhat large, I've only implemented reference kernels. Additionally, an example which shows the constraints handling in action is supplied.
The usage of the handler looks like this:
ConstraintsHandler handler(idxs, A, values, b, /*optional*/ x, /*optional*/ std::make_shared<ZeroRowStrategy>());
auto cons_A = handler.get_operator(); // cons_A is a shared_ptr
auto cons_b = handler.get_right_hand_side(); //cons_b is a bare ptr
auto cons_x = handler.get_get_initial_guess(); //cons_x is a bare_ptr
auto solver = factory->generate(lend(cons_A));
solver->apply(cons_b, cons_x);
Alternatively, the handler can be constructed just from idxs, A
only, which requires setting at least the right-hand-side and the constrained values using
.with_initial_guess(x); // the last one is optional
With this approach the constrained vectors are only created when queried from get_*
. Also, this allows for repeatedly solving the system with the same operator and the same index set, but with changing right-hand-sides, constrained values or both. An use-case for this could be time-dependent simulations.
If the initial guess has not been specified, then a default one, filled with zero and constrained values, is created.
Some topics that might be discussed:
- Should the
use pointer or value semantics? By that I mean, if it should use acreate
method similarly to many of ginkgo's classes. - If pointer semantics are used, should the class hold an executor to use the
? Currently, that would be pointless, since I'm always using the executors of the vectors or matrix. - I'm throwing an
error, if theget_*
methods are used while the handler is in an incomplete state. Should a more descriptive exception (e.g.InvalidState
) be added? - Ideally, I would like to change the type of the constraint indices to the index set from #676
- How should different matrix formats be supported? Currently, only CSR is supported, and some implementations are really specific to it, since they access the underlying arrays.
Old Description
This PR will add support for linear systems Ax=b
with constraints of the form x[i] = g[i], i in Idxs
. Currently, it only contains a first interface for a constraint handler, and acts more as a base for future discussions.
The usage of the handler looks lilke this:
ConstrainedHandler cons_handler(idxs, values);
cons_handler.setup(A, b, x);
auto cons_A = cons_handler.get_operator();
auto cons_b = cons_handler.get_right_hand_side();
auto cons_x = cons_handler.get_get_initial_guess();
auto solver = factory->generate(lend(cons_A));
solver->apply(lend(cons_b), lend(cons_x));
I've also added setters, which I called update_*
to (hopefully) indicate that they do more than simply setting a member.
I'm not sure if this interface will become abstract, or if one switches between different behaviors with a tag.
I'm also thinking about adding something like ConstrainedSolver
which combines the handler and a solver for easier usage.
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This looks very useful! The interface looks quite similar to what is there in opencarp for handling Dirichlet boundary conditions. They have a dbc_manager
which is tied to a matrix and some stimuli that are either active or inactive. Depending on which stimuli are active, the boundary conditions are updated with an update
function. It looks very close to what you're suggesting.
I've been thinking a bit about what the invariants of the ConstraintHandler
should be. The current interface would suggest that only the constraint indices are invariants. But I think that is too general. I would suggest that both the indices and the system matrix are invariant.
For the right-hand-side, the initial guess, and the constrained values I can think of scenarios, where they change, while the system matrix and the indices remain constant. For the matrix, I don't think there is a reasonable scenario where only the system matrix changes, while the rest stays the same. Additionally, changing the system matrix requires recomputing everything else, so one might as well just create a new handler.
I've updated the interface according to the previous comment.
Here is an example which shows how the new interface could be used.
ConstraintHandler ch(idxs, A);
auto cons_A = ch.get_operator();
auto solver = factory->generate(const_A);
for(int time_step=0; time_step < end; ++ time_step){
// compute new right-hand-side, dirichlet values, etc.
auto cons_rhs = ch.get_right_hand_side();
auto const_x0 = ch.get_initial_guess();
solver->apply(lend(cons_rhs), lend(cons_x0));
I'm currently a bit unsure how to integrate this into ginkgo's class hierarchy. Using the EnablePolymorphicObject
mixin seems reasonable, with the objection that this would inject an executor into the class. But I don't think that an executor is useful for this interface. The only use I can see is to check that it's using the same executor as the operator, indices, etc. Other than that, I don't know what to do with it. Nevertheless, I would be nice to have the same semantics (i.e. pointer semantic) as the rest of ginkgo.
I think the interface is now where I'm satisfied with it. @fritzgoebel, @greole do you think you can use that in your implementations?
I think the interface is now where I'm satisfied with it. @fritzgoebel, @greole do you think you can use that in your implementations?
Yes, I think I will be able to use this. Also: I agree that we can assume the system matrix to be invariant. The constraint handler looks like it will be quite light-weight, so when a new system matrix has to be computed creating a new constraint handler won't matter too much.
@fritzgoebel, @greole would you mind looking into this, if it could be used in your cases?
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Note: This PR changes the Ginkgo ABI:
Functions changes summary: 106 Removed, 2 Changed, 524 Added functions
Variables changes summary: 0 Removed, 0 Changed, 0 Added variable
For details check the full ABI diff under Artifacts here