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Collection of middlewares created by the community

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If i customize the options, like this ``` session := sessions.Default(c) session.Options(sessions.Options{MaxAge: 60}) ``` the cookie is lost ``` session := sessions.Default(c) val := session.Get("user") if val == nil ?...

Hi there, I wrote a middleware to authenticate JWT tokens issued by AWS Cognito. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need more details. Kind regards, Ayache

click the link will get 404. should be matained

fixed: pongo2 template - request

### Examples **Create handlers** ```go func bookHandlers() rest.ResourceHandlers { return rest.ResourceHandlers{ "Index": controllers.FindBooks, "Create": controllers.CreateBook, "Show": controllers.FindBook, "Update": controllers.UpdateBook, "Delete": controllers.DeleteBook, } } ``` **Initialize resource routes** ```go func SetupRouter(r...

More info is here:

Adding gin-brotli middleware's reference link in

Some extreme cases require the use of gnet

added samesite option as now support it