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Support Let's Encrypt for a Go server application.

Results 16 autotls issues
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I want to change the default port running from 443 to another port. But i don't know how to do it.

Curious to know the motivation behind creating this, given the below exists which solves the same problem i believe

I've noticed that **RunWithManager()** permits to redirect a HTTP request to HTTPS, but **Run()** doesn't handle it.

Or do I have to fork this project to be able to configure it?

How do I specify a custom port? Before now, I use r.RunTLS(":4452", "/path/cert.pem", "/path/privkey.pem") Explain: log.Fatal(autotls.Run(r, "", ""))

I get Error with messager :"TLS handshake error from tls: first record does not look like a TLS handshake". Please help me. I run on google Cloud

I am using [graceful-shutdown]( and now want to add LetsEncrypt via autotls but struggling how-to ``` srv := &http.Server{ Addr: url + ":" + port, Handler: r, } srv.ListenAndServe() ```...

`http: TLS handshake error from acme/autocert: unable to authorize ""; tried ["tls-sni-02" "tls-sni-01"]`

Bumps [actions/setup-go]( from 2 to 3. Release notes Sourced from actions/setup-go's releases. Update actions/cache version to 3.0.0 In scope of this release we updated actions/cache package as the new version...
