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Gin middleware for session management

Results 119 sessions issues
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Bumps []( from 1.3.4 to 1.4.2. Commits 1007940 Include pure go sqlite driver in README, close #77 #93 c86933b Fix parse ddl with newline, close #94 455504f Fix index ddl...


Bumps []( from 1.23.5 to 1.24.0. Commits 34fbe84 Add TableName with NamingStrategy support, close #5726 e8f48b5 fix: limit=0 results (#5735) (#5736) 4b22a55 fix: primaryFields are overwritten (#5721) 9564b82 Fix OnConstraint...


Bumps []( from 1.9.1 to 1.10.3. Release notes Sourced from's releases. MongoDB Go Driver 1.10.3 The MongoDB Go Driver Team is pleased to release version 1.10.3 of the official...


I test this frame , and found that the session can not refresh itself , which multple visit in 30 minutes , and the session can not renewal automatic. How...

I defined a struce like this: type UserInfoInSession struct { Uid uint64 `json:"uid"` Address string `json:"address"` } then use the session/redis like this userInfo := components.UserInfoInSession{ Uid: account.Uid, Address: account.Address,...

```go engine := gin.Default() engine.SetFuncMap(utils.GetTemplateFuncMap()) engine.Static("/assets", "../assets") engine.LoadHTMLGlob("../views/**/**/*") store := cookie.NewStore([]byte(config.Conf.Session.Secret)) if config.Conf.Session.MaxAge > 0 { store.Options(sessions.Options{MaxAge: config.Conf.Session.MaxAge, Path: "/"}) } engine.Use(sessions.Sessions(config.Conf.Session.Name, store)) route.RegisterBackendRoute(engine) route.RegisterFrontedRoute(engine) if err := engine.Run(":8081"); err...

ERR Key "" does not exist E:/work/project/pkg/mod/[email protected]/context.go:272 (0xdf5798) (*Context).MustGet: panic("Key \"" + key + "\" does not exist") E:/work/project/pkg/mod/[email protected]/sessions.go:146 (0xdf5718) Default: return c.MustGet(DefaultKey).(Session) E:/work/learn/gin_study/controller/sessionController.go:11 (0xdf5c8f) SetSession: session := sessions.Default(c) E:/work/learn/gin_study/controller/loginController.go:32...

Bumps [supercharge/mongodb-github-action]( from 1.7.0 to 1.8.0. Release notes Sourced from supercharge/mongodb-github-action's releases. 1.8.0 Release 1.8.0 Changelog Sourced from supercharge/mongodb-github-action's changelog. 1.8.0 - 2022-08-26 Added support MongoDB 6.x. Thanks to Evandro...


When testing the sessions middleware, I realized that a filesystem store was missing, which is the default in PHP. Upon examining the underlying Gorilla sessions library, I discovered an experimental...

fix gorm typo reference