99-ML-Learning-Projects copied to clipboard
[EXE] Cartpole reinforcement learning exercise
Learning Goals
- Understand the basics of reinforcement learning and Q-learning.
- Learn how to set up and use the Gymnasium environment.
- Implement a simple Q-learning algorithm from scratch.
- Train a Q-learning agent to solve a specific task in the Gymnasium environment.
- Evaluate the performance of the trained Q-learning agent.
Exercise Statement
In this exercise, you will create a reinforcement learning (RL) exercise that trains a simple Q-learning agent from scratch using the Gymnasium environment. The goal is to implement a Q-learning algorithm that allows an agent to learn and improve its performance in a given task through interactions with the environment.
You will:
- Set up the Gymnasium environment.
- Implement the Q-learning algorithm.
- Train the Q-learning agent.
- Evaluate the agent's performance.
- Basic understanding of Python programming.
- Familiarity with reinforcement learning concepts.
- Knowledge of Gymnasium (formerly OpenAI Gym) environments.
- Understanding of Q-learning and its key components (states, actions, rewards, Q-table).
Data Source/Summary
This exercise uses the Gymnasium environment, a toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms. The specific environment used in this exercise is the CartPole-v1
environment, where the goal is to balance a pole on a moving cart.
(Optional) Suggest/Propose Solutions
- I have a solution using PyTorch and Gymnasium, and I can create a pull request to include the exercise statement and solution.
- Chapter 6 of "Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction" by Sutton and Barto provides a detailed explanation of Q-learning.
- The tutorial on Q-learning from DataCamp (https://www.datacamp.com/tutorial/introduction-q-learning-beginner-tutorial) offers a step-by-step guide to implementing Q-learning.
(Optional) Further Links/Credits to Relevant Resources
- This exercise and solution proposal are inspired by the tutorial "Reinforcement Q-Learning from Scratch in Python with OpenAI Gym" (https://www.learndatasci.com/tutorials/reinforcement-q-learning-scratch-python-openai-gym/).
- The PyTorch tutorial on Deep Q-Learning (https://pytorch.org/tutorials/intermediate/reinforcement_q_learning.html) provides additional insights into implementing Q-learning with neural networks.
- The GitHub repository "Q-Learning-Algorithm-in-Python-with-Cart-Pole-OpenAI-Gym" (https://github.com/AleksandarHaber/Q-Learning-Algorithm-in-Python-with-Cart-Pole-OpenAI-Gym--Gymnasium-Environment) contains a practical implementation of Q-learning.