@zachamo can you provide sample, _where_ is address returned in hex? (if that happens, that's probably bug in REST layer). Addresses should always be returned in base32. However: if the...
api results in collscan ``` ,"command":{"aggregate":"accounts","pipeline":[{"$unwind":"$account.mosaics"},{"$match":{"":3239218328380109726}},{"$sort":{"account.mosaics.amount":-1}},{"$skip":0},{"$limit":25}],"cursor":{},"lsid":{"id":{"$uuid":"fd8467db-7bfd-44be-a45e-c528f1990916"}},"$db":"catapult"},"planSummary":"COLLSCAN" ```
`why` ? that doesn't make much sense imo, especially that (besides docker) in most cases you probably do NOT want to do `npm install **-g**`
catbuffer part was released with client/catapult/v1.0.3.2 js change is scheduled with sdk 3.0.4
**tl;dr:** drop `dbStatusPromise` @Jaguar0625 our connection happens inside `connector.connectToDatabase()` current mongo docs say, that: a) we probably should do "ping" after connection is made (`await client.db("admin").command({ ping: 1 });`):
~~This has been already fixed in 5f0cc3b9e43f5e01503a78c9e55b01ac3ea69f01~~ from discord: problem is ctor right now does: ` self._parent_name = bytes()` but when deserializing there's ``` parent_name = None if 4294967295 !=...
fixed in py sdk 3.0.4 and js sdk 3.0.4
@Jaguar0625 can we close this one and #298 ?
part of js sdk 3.0.4
a) Is there any reason NOT to add `'transaction.signerPublicKey'` to that index? (or recipient?) b) is there a reason to create index on BOTH id AND amount? (having such a...