linked line is _not_ checking network types, it checks LAST byte, which due to encoding 24 bytes can have only 4 values ("missing" last byte = 8 bits, meaning, you're...
createFromRawAddress - imo it should _not_ do validation, you should be able anything that has _size_ of raw address... if user (read: developer) wants to validate, there should be explicit...
transaction hash lock needs to be known/present BEFORE you create aggregate bonded transaction. tbh It's pretty surprising that the last node returned anything... ignore the above, maybe I misunderstood something,...
shouldn't the query fail in this case?
I mean, * you're requesting by address * and specifying embedded = true you can't get those txes, so wouldn't it be natural for query to fail in this case...
Ok, I've found some rationale behind that decision here: feel free to close the issue.
this should _not_ be done in rest layer, it gives much more flexibility to do it via some external webserver (be it nginx, h2o, apache, lighttpd) or any other thing.
> add a webserver docker service to bootstrap docker-compose. why is that? I thought bootstrap is supposed to get thinner not fatter.
> If we want bootstrap to support out-of-the-box https, the options are: that's exactly why I'm asking, I don't see reason why bootstrap should be doing this "out of the...
btw, turns out we already have ~600 public nodes with https support...