I was able to reproduce and fix this issue when `Stylesheets > compress CSS content` is enabled. The fix will be available in the next version. Meanwhile, you can disable...
Thank you, I will some tests to reproduce and check what could be wrong. It could take some time because it's not easy to test this feature.
I tried to reproduce your issue but I did not see any issue related to a memory leak on my end. Did you change any settings in SingleFile? Do you...
@see2ever I did a test on but I cannot reproduce the issue.
Thank you very much for the article. I did a quick test in Safari and it looks promising. The good news is that it supports the [`navigator.share()`]( API. FYI, here...
It's implemented. I added a new option `share page` in the `Destination` section. When checked, a banner with a `Share page...` button will appear at the top of the page...
The new version (1.2.0) is available for download on the App store.
Actually, it should also work for selection if you use the context menu and select 'Save selection' instead of clicking on SingleFile button.
Thank you for the suggestion, it is fixed. The fix will be available in the next version.
I don't think it's possible. It looks like it's a "bug" in Notes, see However, you can search for attached pages with the Finder in `~/Library/Group Containers/`.