SingleFile copied to clipboard
Wikipedia page cannot open under self-extracting ZIP format (Cent browser)
Seems something wrong with the 3rd step while saving, it was complete after step 2, and the file cant open, just blank
I cannot reproduce the issue. Did you change any option in SingleFile?
You can export your settings in the options page and post the file here if necessary.
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Thank you, unfortunately I was not able to reproduce the issue. Could you try to reset your settings to see if it helps? You can import them again after the test.
Thanks, I tried reset, and disable all other extensions, still didn't work(both reset and import again wouldn'r work), I wonder whats so special about the wikipedia page in my chrominium based "Cent browser", anyway, it works fine with edge, I would go with edge to save wikipedia page
I'm closing this issue because it looks like it was specific to Cent browser and I'm not sure it's still relevant. Feel free to comment though.