gdialog icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
gdialog copied to clipboard

Display macOS dialogs from terminal and scripts


Display macOS dialogs from terminal and scripts, capable of displaying advanced dialogs and forms using the different templates.

gDialog is using the system color scheme, if the Mac has Dark Mode turned on, the background will be dark, if Dark Mode is turned off, the background will be bright.

Light Mode Dark Mode

Supported on:

  • macOS Catalina (10.15.x)
  • macOS Big Sur (11.x) - Intel or M1 with Rosetta

Current Status

gDialog is available as a standalone application and as a Node.js module.

Downloading gDialog

Download gDialog v1.0.1

Installing gDialog

Download and install the package from the release page or from the link above.
gDialog will be installed to /usr/local/gDialog/
Application Name:
Bundle Identifier: com.gilad.gDialog
Executable Path: /usr/local/gDialog/

Executing gDialog

gDialog is executed in the following format:

/usr/local/gDialog/ template_name options

The "template_name" parameter is always required in order to specify which dialog template to use.
If the option "--buttons" is not provided, an "OK" button will be added by default.

/usr/local/gDialog/ msgbox --title "Dialog Title" --header "Dialog Header" --text "Dialog Text" --icon_file "/path/to/logo.png"

Return Values / Output

The return values will be printed to stdout.
The return values will contain which button number was clicked (Right to Left) and each value will be separated by a new line.


% CMD_RESULT=$( ./gDialog msgbox --title "Dialog Title" --header "Free Disk Space" --text 'Run "sudo rm -rf /"?' --icon_file "./assets/GD-Logo.png" --buttons '["Yes", "No"]' )
% echo "${CMD_RESULT}"

Table of Contents

  • Global Options
  • Message Box
  • Input Box
  • Secure Input Box
  • Text Box - macOS Big Sur+
  • Credentials Box
  • HTML Box
  • Progress Bar
  • Picker Box
  • File Select
  • File Save
  • Banner Box
  • Notification

Global Options

Option Description
--title "Dialog Title" Text for the dialog's title, if the title option is not provided, the title bar will not be displayed
--header "Dialog Header" Text for the dialog's header
--text "Text" Text for the dialog's main text area
--scrollable_text In case of long text, allow the text box to have a (vertical) scrollbar instead of the text getting trimmed
--icon_file "/path/to/logo.png" Path to your logo image, the dialog will constraint the image to width of 75 pixels, for best results it is recommended to use a 75x75 pixels PNG image
--system_icon "NSImageNameInfo" Name of macOS's System Image to use, see full list of System Images at Apple's website, use the names in the "API" column
--width 700 Sets the width of the dialog window to 700
--height 350 Sets the height of the dialog window to 350
--window_size 700x350 Sets the size of the dialog window to 700x350
--buttons '["Yes", "No"]' Sets the dialog buttons from right to left. The buttons string must be with a single quote (') on the outside and the button names surrounded with double quotes ("), if you require to use double quotes on the outside, escape the internal double quotes with a backslash (\), for example: "[\"Yes\", \"No\"]"
--allow_quit Allows the user to close the dialog with CMD+Q, if the user closes the dialog with CMD+Q the dialog will return "-1" as the output to stdout
--no_return Suppress the dialog's output to stdout
--focus Makes the dialog window take focus and become the active window
--timeout 300 Sets the dialog timeout to 300 seconds (5 minutes)
--static Prevents the user from being able to move / drag the dialog window

Message Box

Template Name is msgbox.
Displays a message box.

Command Example:

/usr/local/gDialog/ msgbox --title "Dialog Title" --header "Dialog Header" --text "Dialog Text" --icon_file "/path/to/logo.png" --focus

Input Box

Template Name is inputbox.
Displays an input box with one field.

Command Example:

/usr/local/gDialog/ inputbox --title "Title" --header "Header" --text "Enter your name:" --background_text "Full Name" --icon_file "/path/to/logo.png" --focus
Option Description
--background_text "Background Text" Background text for the input box
--initial_text "Initial Text" Initial text for the input box, can be used to prepopulate the inputbox with text
--encode_text Encodes returned values in Base64 to ensure environments like Bash won't interpet special characters and combinations ("\n" for example)

Secure Input Box

Template Name is secure-inputbox.
Displays an input box with one secured field, input is masked for use cases like passwords, output is still in plain text.

Command Example:

/usr/local/gDialog/ secure-inputbox --title "Title" --header "Header" --text "Enter your password:" --icon_file "/path/to/logo.png" --focus
Option Description
--background_text "Background Text" Background text for the input box
--initial_text "Initial Text" Initial text for the input box, can be used to prepopulate the inputbox with text
--encode_text Encodes returned values in Base64 to ensure environments like Bash won't interpet special characters and combinations ("\n" for example)

Text Box

Template Name is textbox.
Displays a text box.
NOTE: Supported only on macOS Big Sur and above.

Command Example:

/usr/local/gDialog/ textbox --title "Title" --header "Header" --text "Do you agree to the T&C?" --icon_file "/path/to/logo.png" --buttons '["Agree", "Cancel"]' --initial_text "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ...lacinia. Cras." --window_size 500x300 --focus
Option Description
--initial_text "Initial Text" Initial text for the text box, can be used to prepopulate the text box with text
--encode_text Encodes returned values in Base64 to ensure environments like Bash won't interpet special characters and combinations ("\n" for example)

Credentials Box

Template Name is credentialsbox.
Displays an input box with 2-3 fields, a plain input field, secured input field and an extra (optional) input field.

Command Example:

/usr/local/gDialog/ credentialsbox --title "Title" --header "Header" --text "Enter your corporate credentials:" --icon_file "/path/to/logo.png" --focus
Option Description
--user_label "First Field:" First input field's label, defaults to "Username:" if option is not provided
--user_initial_text "Initial Text" Initial text for the first input field
--user_background_text "Background Text" Background text for the first input field, defaults to "Enter your username" if option is not provided
--pass_label "Second Field:" Second input field's label, defaults to "Password:" if option is not provided
--pass_initial_text "Initial Text" Initial text for the second input field
--pass_background_text "Background Text" Background text for the second input field, defaults to "Enter your password" if option is not provided
--extra_field_label "Extra Field:" Extra input field's label, if option is not provided, the extra field will not be shown
--extra_field_initial_text "Initial Text" Initial text for the extra input field
--extra_field_background_text "Background Text" Background text for the extra input field
--extra_field_secured Toggles the extra input field from plain text to secured input field
--encode_text Encodes returned values in Base64 to ensure environments like Bash won't interpet special characters and combinations ("\n" for example)


Template Name is htmlbox.
Displays a window which allows to load HTML for advanced forms and GUI.
The following global options are not available in this template:
header, text, icon_file, system_icon, buttons and scrollable_text.

To return text from the dialog, use the javascript function print("text"). To close the dialog, use the javascript function quit().

Command Example:

/usr/local/gDialog/ htmlbox --title "gDialog - HTML Box" --file "/path/to/html_file.html" --focus

HTML Page Example:

<form action="" id="sampleForm">
 <h2>Hello World</h2>
 <label>Enter your name:</label>
 <input type="text" name="username">
 <button type="submit" id="btnSubmit">Submit</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
 var sampleForm = document.querySelector("#sampleForm");
 if (sampleForm) {
  sampleForm.addEventListener("submit", function(e) {
   var btnSubmit = document.getElementById("btnSubmit");
   btnSubmit.disabled = true;
   var jsonData = {};
   for (var pair of new FormData(this)) {
    jsonData[pair[0]] = pair[1];
Option Description
--html_b64 "HTML file in Base64" HTML page encoded in a Base64 string
--file "/path/to/html_file.html" Path to the HTML file
--base_path "/path/to/folder" Base path of the running HTML, useful when using dynamic links to local files and images
--url "" Displays the provided URL
--kiosk Displays the HTML dialog in a full screen kiosk mode, preventing the user from moving away or closing the dialog
--normal_window Displays the HTML dialog as a normal window with a menu bar, quit/resize/minimize buttons and a dock icon

Progress Bar

Template Name is progressbar.
Displays a progress bar, depends on the options used, can display a progress bar that fills up, or, an indeterminate progress bar.
The following global options are not available in this template:
header, scrollable_text and buttons.

Regular Progress Bar Indeterminate Progress Bar

Regular Progress Bar Example:

# Variables

# Create a named pipe
rm -f "${PIPE_PATH}"
mkfifo "${PIPE_PATH}"

# Start gDialog in the background which takes the input (stdin) from the named pipe
/usr/local/gDialog/ progressbar --icon_file "/path/to/logo.png" --title "Death Star Construction" --text "Please wait..." --focus < "${PIPE_PATH}" &
# Associate file descriptor 3 with the pipe and start the progress bar
exec 3<> "${PIPE_PATH}"

# Do stuff
sleep 1
# Send progress to the progress bar, the line must start with the progress percentage and then the text separated by a space, if only the progress percentage is provided, the initial text will not change
echo "60 Building The Death Star" >&3
sleep 2
echo "100 The Death Star construction is completed" >&3

# Close the progress bar by sending an "EOF" message and then closing file descriptor 3
echo "EOF" >&3
exec 3>&-

# Wait for the background job to exit, or, kill the process saved in the variable "GDIALOG_PID"

# Delete the named pipe
rm -f "${PIPE_PATH}"

# Exit
exit 0

Indeterminate Progress Bar Example:

# Variables

# Start gDialog in the background, if you would like to update the text, use the example of the regular progress bar and add the "--indeterminate"
/usr/local/gDialog/ progressbar --icon_file "/path/to/logo.png" --title "Attack" --text "Attacking The Death Star" --indeterminate --focus 2>&1 > /dev/null &

# Do stuff
sleep 15

# Kill the process saved in the variable "GDIALOG_PID"

# Exit
exit 0

Option Description
--indeterminate Displays an indeterminate progress bar
--stoppable Adds a "Stop" button to the progress bar

Picker Box

Template Name is pickerbox.
Displays a dialog window with either a drop down menu (default), radio buttons or segmented buttons, depends on the options used.

Drop Down Menu Radio Buttons Segmented Buttons

Command Example:

# Drop Down Menu
"${GDIALOG_BIN}" pickerbox --icon_file "/path/to/logo.png" --title "Title" --header "Header" --text "Select a number:" --items '["1", "2", "3"]' --buttons '["OK", "Cancel"]' --focus

# Radio Buttons
"${GDIALOG_BIN}" pickerbox --icon_file "/path/to/logo.png" --title "Title" --header "Header" --text "Select a number:" --items '["1", "2"]' --buttons '["OK", "Cancel"]' --style radio --focus

# Segmented Buttons
"${GDIALOG_BIN}" pickerbox --icon_file "/path/to/logo.png" --title "Title" --header "Header" --text "Select a number:" --items '["1", "2"]' --buttons '["OK", "Cancel"]' --style segmented --focus
Option Description
--items '["Item 1","Item 2"]' The items to display in the picker box. The string must be with a single quote (') on the outside and the item names surrounded with double quotes ("), if you require to use double quotes on the outside, escape the internal double quotes with a backslash (\), for example: "[\"Item 1\", \"Item 2\"]"
--style "style" Defines the style of the picker box, options are default, radio and segmented. "default" style is the drop down menu

File Select

Template Name is fileselect.
Displays a dialog window with an input field and a button to open the file select dialog.

Command Example:

/usr/local/gDialog/ fileselect --icon_file "/path/to/logo.png" --title "Title" --header "Header" --text "Please select a file" --buttons '["OK", "Cancel"]' --focus
Option Description
--with_file "/starting/path" Starts the file select dialog with the specified file alrady selected
--with_directory "/starting/directory" Starts the file select dialog showing the specified directory
--with_extensions '["jpg", "png"]' Limits file selection to specified file extensions. The string must be with a single quote (') on the outside and the file extension names surrounded with double quotes ("), if you require to use double quotes on the outside, escape the internal double quotes with a backslash (\), for example: "[\"jpg\", \"png\"]"
--packages_as_directories Treats installation packages as directories
--select_directories Allows the user to select directories
--select_only_directories Allows the user to select only directories
--select_multiple Allows the user to select multiple files

File Save

Template Name is filesave.
Displays a dialog window with an input field and a button to open the file save dialog.

Command Example:

/usr/local/gDialog/ filesave --icon_file "/path/to/logo.png" --title "Title" --header "Header" --text "Please select where to save the file" --buttons '["OK", "Cancel"]' --focus
Option Description
--with_file "/starting/path" Starts the file select dialog with the specified file alrady selected
--with_directory "/starting/directory" Starts the file select dialog showing the specified directory
--with_extensions '["jpg", "png"]' Limits file selection to specified file extensions. The string must be with a single quote (') on the outside and the file extension names surrounded with double quotes ("), if you require to use double quotes on the outside, escape the internal double quotes with a backslash (\), for example: "[\"jpg\", \"png\"]"
--packages_as_directories Treats installation packages as directories
--dont_create_directories Prevents the user from creating directories

Banner Box

Template Name is bannerbox.
Displays a banner dialog window in the top right corner of the screen with up to two buttons.
NOTE: This template is not utilizing macOS's notification center.

Banner Box Banner Box with one button Banner Box with two buttons

Command Example:

/usr/local/gDialog/ bannerbox --icon_file "/path/to/logo.png" --header "Header" --text "Banner Box with two buttons" --buttons '["OK", "Cancel"]' --focus
Option Description
--background_color "#000000" Specify a background color in hex color code


Template Name is notification.
Sends a notification to macOS's notification center.
The notification must be sent as the user, to do so, you can use the launchctl asuser command as shown in the example below.
Unless gDialog is pre-approved for notifications via the MDM notifications payload, the user will get a notification asking to approve gDialog to present notifications:

The following global options are not available in this template:
icon_file, system_icon, buttons, width, height, window_size, allow_quit, no_return, focus and scrollable_text.\

macOS Big Sur macOS Catalina

Command Example:

USER_UID=$(id -u $(stat -f%Su /dev/console))
launchctl asuser $USER_UID /usr/local/gDialog/ notification --title "Title" --header "Header" --text "Notification Text"
Option Description
--dont_wait Don't wait for for the notification to be seen by the user