Gijs Molenaar

Results 56 issues of Gijs Molenaar

for inserts SQLAlchemy has a hard time without it.

for monetdb I would do something like: ``` import monetdblite monetdblite.init('/tmp/monetdb_lite') monetdblite.sql("create schema test_schema;") monetdblite.sql("create schema test_schema2;") monetdblite.sql("alter user monetdb set schema test_schema2;") ```

at the moment we are not thread safe when sharing connections or cursors. This is okay, the DBAPI allowes it, as long as as the `.threadsafety` parameter is set correctly:...

At the moment we cannot use docker-machine on travis, due to an issue with docker-machine: Until this is fixed we cannot run the test suite on travis.


eliminating the need for the docker-machine binary.
