instagram-clone icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
instagram-clone copied to clipboard

This is an Instagram clone built with TailwindCSS, React, Apollo Client and Laravel Lighthouse.

Instagram Clone

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🛑 Important: Star the repo before you leave!!! thanks 🙏🏽

This is an Instagram clone built with TailwindCSS, React, Apollo Client and Laravel Lighthouse. This is a great project to learn and improve your Tailwind and React skills also if you are insterested in backend, the GraphQL API is created using Laravel Lighthouse, this is a great project to add to your portfolio if you are just starting as a web developer or full stack developer.


  • Frontend
    • Tailwind CSS
    • React
    • React Router
    • React Dropzone (drag'n'drop zone for files)
    • Headless UI
    • Apollo Client
    • Toastify (Notifications)
  • Backend
    • Docker
    • Laravel Sail
    • Laravel Lighthouse (GraphQL api)



Start the backend services (MySQL, Apache, etc) using Laravel Sail:

cd backend && composer install

sail up

or if you don't have an alias for sail:

cd backend && composer install && ./vendor/bin/sail up


Start the React app:

cd frontend && npm install

npm run start

Youtube Tutorial

If you want to follow the tutorial on Youtube go here:


Pull requests are welcome.
