N Praveen Chandhar
N Praveen Chandhar
I still face the issue with latest versions of pipenv. ``` PS C:\Users\nprav\repro-pipenv> virtualenv --version virtualenv 20.24.6 from C:\msys64\mingw64\lib\python3.10\site-packages\virtualenv\__init__.py PS C:\Users\nprav\repro-pipenv> pipenv --version pipenv, version 2023.10.24 PS C:\Users\nprav\repro-pipenv> pipenv --python...
The issue seems to be here: https://github.com/tektoncd/experimental/tree/main/pipelines-in-pipelines/pkg/reconciler/pip/piprun.go in function `ReconcileKind`, where check if the CustomRun has started, and if not, start the run. However, I expect the spec to be...