N Praveen Chandhar
N Praveen Chandhar
Hey @Gallaecio @kmike ! I'm Praveen, a CS student in my pre-final year. I was looking through the standard for MIME sniffing, and would like to implement a standard for...
In latest version of opn package, [`opn` is renamed to `open`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/opn).
`pip3 install tensorflow==1.1.0` or `pip install tensorflow-gpu==1.1.0` (with gpu support) fixed the problem for me. This might be a temporary fix, and you dont want to downgrade to an earlier...
I'd like to take this up. I'm working with genetic algorithms lately.
I'd like to demonstrate the usage of the library in genetic algorithms. I was thinking of giving examples of how to use the library for genetic purposes. For the very...
This is more structured. We will proceed the way you conceptualise it :smile: But it's gonna take some time. I'm still not sure how we can go about for generic...
Yes! We will have our conversations over telegram
The `which` command tries to check if the file Scripts/activate.bat exists or not, if Windows. However, the bat file is in bin directory itself ``` PS C:\Users\nprav\repro-pipenv> cd C:/Users/nprav/.virtualenvs/repro-pipenv-rk4kLvXU PS...
Did some more digging, realised pipenv creates virtual by running the `virtualenv create` command in CLI. It was a but difficult to identify the source code that actually creates the...
@matteius I am not sure, I dont see any references to updating `Scripts` with `bin` I think it will not be solved. Any way for me to check for sure?