SewKinect copied to clipboard
Final Hackbright Project - Kinect Body Measurements
Final Hackbright Project
SewKinect was inspired by an absense of basic pattern generation software for sewers. Pattern drafting is key to custom-fit garments and costumes and relies on a geometric understanding three-dimensional body curves. Traditionally, patterns are drafted for individuals on paper at full scale, a huge inconvenience of time and space. SewKinect aims to streamline bespoke pattern development by creating a digital pipeline from measurements to printable pdf slopers.
SewKinect consists of a Kinect/PyGame app and a Flask application. The Kinect app posts scan data to the Flask server. SewKinect was developed on OSX 10.9 and the technology required is as follows:
- libusb
- libfreenect
- OpenNI
- SensorKinect
- PyOpenNI
- Flask
- Jinja2
- PyCairo
- Numpy
- Scipy
Also relies on default Python libraries listed below:
- httplib
- urllib
- json
- math
- pickle
- base64
- datetime
Kinect Install Instructions
PLEASE NOTE: These are the install instructions for OS 10.9 and have not been updated for newer version of OSX. Some of the open source Kinect projects may no longer be maintained.
homebrew libusb
homebrew libfreenect
OpenNI - Available at!Hc5kwAiZ!uJiLY4180QGXjKp7sze8S3eDVU71NHiMrXRq0TA7QpU
SensorKinect - git clone Uncompress Bin/SensorKinect093-Bin-MacOSX-v*tar.bz2.
$ sudo ./
NITE - Available at!nZYwgJiQ!m091FXc4U6GwjRfpHK-puPvBjkHdWc6KmQH-_RzXfOw.
$ sudo ./
$ cd ~/Kinect/nite-bin-macosx-v1.5.0.2/Data.
$ cp *.xml ../../SensorKinect/Data.
PyOpenNI -
$ git clone
$ mkdir PyOpenNI-build
$ cd PyOpenNI-build
$ cmake ../PyOpenNI
$ cp .../python2.7/site-packages/
###For Install Reference:
###Important Directory Contents:
- / - main Flask applicaiton
- / - Kinect point cloud processing
- / - Cairo pattern drafting instructions
- /kinect/ - Kinect application
- /kinect/ - also contains pickled Kinect data for proofing if a Kinect is not available
- /static/JSON/ - standard US pattern sizes in JSON format
- /static/patterns/ - PDF pattens are stored here
In order to get accurate measurements from the Kinect, users should stand ~5ft away from the camera with a clear foreground. Wearing tight clothing that constrasts the background also helps.
Have fun! Send questions or comments to @giantspatula on Twitter.