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Show the Android lint errors with Danger

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Show the Android lint errors on your PR with Danger Kotlin


Install and run Danger Kotlin as normal and in your Dangerfile.df.kts add the following dependency:


Then register your plugin before the danger initialisation and use the plugin:

register plugin AndroidLint

val danger = Danger(args)

// Default report

You can report more than one lint file.

You can also keep tidy your DangerFile.df.kts using the following block:

androidLint {

Or make your own custom report by manipulating all the issues found, for example failing the build at the first Fatal found in a specific module.

androidLint {
        // Fail for each Fatal in a single module
        val moduleLintFilePaths = find(

        parseAllDistinct(*moduleLintFilePaths).forEach {
            if(it.severity == "Fatal")
                    "Danger lint check failed: ${it.message}", 
                    it.location.file.replace(System.getProperty("user.dir"), ""), 

Configuration for the default report

You can customise the aspect of your default reports defining the configuration file androidlint.dangerplugin.yml

logLevel: WARNING
format: "{severity}: {message}"
  warnings: 3
  errors: 1
  fatals: 1
  total: 3

Accepted values are:

logLevel Report all the lints with severity >= logLevel WARNING WARNING, ERROR, FATAL
format Define a custom message for your lints "{severity}: {message}" {id}, {severity}, {message}, {category},
{priority}, {summary}, {explanation}, {url},
{urls}, {errorLine1}, {errorLine2}
failIf Fail your PR if the condition is satisfied:
for example in this case will fail if there are at least:
3 warnings or 1 error or 1 fatal.
warnings: 3
errors: 1
fatals: 1
warnings: Int
errors: Int
fatals: Int
total: Int