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PHP Twitch Messaging Interface
PHP Twitch Messaging Interface
Inspired by tmi.js and php-irc-client this package is a full featured, high performance Twitch IRC client written in PHP 7.4.
Also have a look at ghostzero/tmi-cluster. TMI Cluster is a Laravel package that makes the PHP TMI client scalable.
- Connecting to Twitch IRC with SSL
- Generic IRC Commands
- Supports Twitch IRC Tags (IRC v3)
- Supports Twitch IRC Membership
- Supports Twitch IRC Commands
Official Documentation
You can view our official documentation here.
Getting Started (w/o OAuth Token)
use GhostZero\Tmi\Client;
use GhostZero\Tmi\ClientOptions;
use GhostZero\Tmi\Events\Twitch\MessageEvent;
$client = new Client(new ClientOptions([
'connection' => [
'secure' => true,
'reconnect' => true,
'rejoin' => true,
'channels' => ['ghostzero']
$client->on(MessageEvent::class, function (MessageEvent $e) {
print "{$e->tags['display-name']}: {$e->message}";
Getting Started (w/ OAuth Token)
use GhostZero\Tmi\Client;
use GhostZero\Tmi\ClientOptions;
use GhostZero\Tmi\Events\Twitch\MessageEvent;
$client = new Client(new ClientOptions([
'options' => ['debug' => true],
'connection' => [
'secure' => true,
'reconnect' => true,
'rejoin' => true,
'identity' => [
'username' => 'ghostzero',
'password' => 'oauth:...',
'channels' => ['ghostzero']
$client->on(MessageEvent::class, function (MessageEvent $e) use ($client) {
if ($e->self) return;
if (strtolower($e->message) === '!hello') {
$client->say($e->channel->getName(), "@{$e->user}, heya!");