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Browser automation for Chameleon.

Chameleon Crawler

Browser automation for Chameleon.


  • Install Chromium, chromedriver, python3 and xvfb. On Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install chromium-browser chromium-chromedriver python3 xvfb
  • Install the project's Python dependencies (documented in requirements.txt). You might do this with virtualenv and pip, or maybe Docker. Note this is a Python 3 project.

  • Make sure chromedriver is in your $PATH. It's not on Ubuntu, so we have to fix that:

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/chromium-browser/chromedriver /usr/local/bin/chromedriver
echo "/usr/lib/chromium-browser/libs" | sudo tee --append /etc/ >/dev/null
sudo ldconfig


Run ./ /path/to/chameleon.crx to perform a crawl, or ./ -h to see the optional arguments:

usage: [-h] [--headless | --no-headless] [-n {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}] [-q]
                [-t SECONDS] [--urls URL_FILE_PATH]

positional arguments:
                        path to Chameleon CRX package

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --headless            use a virtual display (default)
  -n {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}  how many browsers to use in parallel (default: 4)
  -q, --quiet           turn off standard output
  -t SECONDS, --timeout SECONDS
                        how many seconds to wait for pages to finish loading
                        before timing out (default: 20)
  --urls URL_FILE_PATH  path to URL list file (default: urls.txt)

Run ./ and visit the displayed URL to review crawl results.


  1. Crawl Alexa Global Top 1,000,000 Sites:
  2. Analyze results:
    • Discover fingerprinters
    • Confirm detection of known fingerprinters
  3. Tweak the heuristic to minimize false negatives/positives.
  4. Create minisite to chart (the growth of?) fingerprinting across the Web.

Code license

Mozilla Public License Version 2.0