Results 20 comments of ghostry

> If you want, you can share your `-vvvvv` outputs and more details about the whole setup – internal / external IP addresses (aliased, if you prefer), command lines, ......

> And if you use "alias" addresses (search/replace before posting)? I get it, I try to do it

> And if you use "alias" addresses (search/replace before posting)?

> With this configuration, there are no connection errors, right? (I hope I did not miss it here) This network structure can be connected, but it is unstable. I tried...

> Is there anything special about this specific supernode? Any difference to the other ones inc term of configuration or environment? The startup is the same, the open ports are...

``` ➜ ~ ls /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon6/ device temp2_crit_alarm temp4_crit_alarm temp6_crit_alarm name temp2_input temp4_input temp6_input power temp2_label temp4_label temp6_label subsystem temp2_max temp4_max temp6_max temp1_crit temp3_crit temp5_crit temp7_crit temp1_crit_alarm temp3_crit_alarm temp5_crit_alarm temp7_crit_alarm temp1_input...

哦,这个确实特别, 要用这个.

> Hello, > > Can you confirm that your edges run on the same version as the supernode? And also, do your edges use some supernode selection strategy option such...

I unified all versions, added -r -E -D --select-rtt parameters, now I can ping, But the error message still exists.