Guilherme Humberto Jansen

Results 29 issues of Guilherme Humberto Jansen

The neighborhood configuration should allow to choose a specific set of neighbors for a given amount of dimensions. e.g one-dimensional cellular automata can set the range of neighbors used at...


Allow the result of a simulation to be exported as TXT (also keep PNG). Create format capable to handle multiple cell states, and multiple iterations of multiple dimentions.


Maybe would be wise to wait for project [Interface lift]( to develop this issue. The pattern can be distributed through sequences coloured cells with the size of the next number...


Maybe would be wise to wait for project [Interface lift]( to develop this issue. Initial conditions based on sequences of colors are already supported by internal mechanisms. It is required...


This issue should consider conclusions reached on issues #5 and #6. The simulation view area should always handle the resizing, other components like configuration can stay at a static size.


This issue should consider conclusions reached on issues #5 and #6. The simulation view area should always handle the resizing, other components like configuration can stay at a static size.


CAS is currently mixing SWING/AWT with 2 Processing applets, which doesn't seems really good. SWING/AWT was used to avoid the time required to draw GUI control components using Processing, but...
