drcn copied to clipboard
Can you provide the svhn_gray.pkl.gz and mnist32x32.pkl.gz dataset please?
Have anyone get the dataset?
Can some body provide the svhn_gray.pkl.gz and mnist32x32.pkl.gz dataset please?
One can download mnist from the following link.. https://www.kaggle.com/adrienchevrier/mnist.pkl.gz
and replace d1 = 28 d2 = 28 load_mnist32x32(dataset='dataset/mnist.pkl.gz')
in the dataset.py
can anyone please share svhn_gray.pkl.gz ?
please post svhn_gray! I can only find the colored version and its already partitioned
can someone share svhn_gray.pkl.gz ? Thanks!
Can some body provide the svhn_gray.pkl.gz and mnist32x32.pkl.gz dataset please?
Hi, have you gotten the svhn_gray.pkl.gz dataset?
I have just created a personal version of svhn_gray.pkl.gz
, which is not compatible with the original code, altered version works quite OK. More info refer to my fork, https://github.com/wogong/tf-drcn.