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saveRecord does not send attributes into payload.
environment: I am using angular-jsonapi 4.0.2 with angular 5.1.1. scenario: I am trying to send a post request with dynamic url.
I have a data model like this:
@JsonApiModelConfig({ type: "workflowruns" }) export class WorkflowRunModel extends JsonApiModel { @Attribute() producer_id: number; @Attribute() created_at: string; @Attribute() status: string; @Attribute() inputs: { [key: string]: WorkflowRunModuleSpecificationModel; } = {}; }
I send request like this:
const result = await this.datastore.saveRecord(WorkflowRunModel, run, null, null,
The request post was sent with body below:
{ "data": { "type": "workflowruns", "attributes": {} } }
But the actual model I passed is:
WorkflowRunModel {_datastore: DataStore, id: undefined, _inputs: {…}, Symbol(AttributeMetadata): {…}} created_at : undefined hasDirtyAttributes : true id : undefined inputs : Object copy_from_url : WorkflowRunModuleSpecificationModel {src_url: ""} trace_neurites : WorkflowRunModuleSpecificationModel {NEURON_PREFIX: "", NUCLEI_PREFIX: "", LOWER_THRESH_NEURON: 41, LOWER_THRESH_NUCLEI: 40, MIN_NUCLEI_SIZE: "", …} unzip : WorkflowRunModuleSpecificationModel {} __proto__ : Object modelConfig : Object producer_id : undefined status : undefined
I also tried to override function "getDirtyAttributes", it accetps only metadata but no model information so I cannot get attributes of the model to be posted.
How can I get this working? Or did I do something wrong?
@chris93983 you have the method signatures confused. saveRecord is defined as
JsonApiDatastore.prototype.saveRecord = function (attributesMetadata, model, params, headers, customUrl) {
so you should be calling something like this:
params = { foo: bar }
this.datastore.saveRecord(null, WorkflowRunModel, params, null, /api/module_manager/workflows/${id}/run)
@jacobbullock Thanks for the reply.
Based on your comment, I tried to do this:
const result = await this.datastore.saveRecord(null, WorkflowRunModel, run, null, /api/module_manager/workflows/${id}/run).toPromise();
And I got warning below:
Argument of type 'typeof WorkflowRunModel' is not assignable to parameter of type 'JsonApiModel'. Property '_datastore' is missing in type 'typeof WorkflowRunModel'.
I checked corresponding typescript declaration and it looks like this:
saveRecord<T extends JsonApiModel>(attributesMetadata: any, model: T, params?: any, headers?: Headers, customUrl?: string): Observable<T>;
So I guess model
is the actual entity that we need to pass?
Indeed, It is preferred to use the save()
Method on the Model itself. Is there any reason you are using saveRecord directly?