Amir Keibi
Amir Keibi
After updating minikube to v0.18.0 the problem returned. I figured if I update the docker-machine-kvm to its latest version (, the problem might disappear, but it didn't. Basically, the VM...
There is a workaround for this: 1. Stop minikube 2. Stop `libvirtd` service (`sudo service libvirtd stop`) 3. Kill all `dnsmasq` processes (`sudo pkill -f dnsmasq`) 4. Edit dnsmasq's files...
Alternatively, I can update the existing `microsoftUnverifiedClaims` struct and add a field for `Roles`. Keep everything else as is and simply copy the roles from `microsoftUnverifiedClaims` to `Claims` struct's new...
Hello, was wondering if someone could give me a feedback on this. I'd like to start working on this.
Could you please point me to the PR? Neither `Claims` struct nor `Microsoft Provider` seem to have been changed.
Awesome! I'm gonna try this. Thank you.