Thank you for the sample file. You have a number of 'extra' files that are being added to the xlsx file (probably by Excel) that looks like they are for...
I just tried to open and then save to a new xlsx file name. I successfully opened the file (without the custom types) and then saved to a new file...
The class is ignoring those extra files and not including them. You can comment out the SET STEP ON after the OTHERWISE statement if you want to just to be...
Hello— Sorry that you are having issues trying to compile the tools. Instead of trying to chase the issue that you are having, I have uploaded the compiled tools as...
Hello— is a program that is not part of the editors, but rather, it is used by the editors for image manipulation. This app can be found at: GitHub...
CodeMax has different challenges working with VFP. I solved it by creating two instances of CodeMax and setting the Visible property as needed. From the author of the control, he...