XLSX-Workbook-Class copied to clipboard
Print_Area and Print_Titles
Print_Area and Print_Titles can be integrated into this awesome library by adding 2 methods:
METHOD setPrintArea
*-- tnEndRow (optional): will default to the last row in the sheet
*-- tnEndCol (optional): will default to the maxColumnNumber in the sheet
*-- tnBegRow and tnBegCol (optional): will default to 1 and 1
lparameters tnWB, tnSh, tnEndRow, tnEndCol, tnBegRow, tnBegCol
tnBegRow = evl(m.tnBegRow, 1)
tnBegCol = evl(m.tnBegCol, 1)
tnEndRow = evl(m.tnEndRow, this.GetLastRowNumber(m.tnWB, m.tnSh)
tnEndCol = evl(m.tnEndCol, this.GetMaxColumnNumber(m.tnWB, m.tnSh)
m.tnWB, m.tnSh, 'Print_Area', SCOPE_SH_NAMED_RANGE, ;
'', m.tnBegRow, m.tnBegCol, m.tnEndRow, m.tnEndCol ;
METHOD setPrintTitles
*-- rows to repeat = tnBegRow, tnEndRow
*-- cols to repeat = tnBegCol, tnEndCol
lparameters tnWB, tnSh, tnBegRow, tnEndRow, tnBegCol, tnEndCol
if empty(m.tnBegRow) and empty(m.tnEndRow) and empty(m.tnBegCol) and empty(m.tnEndCol)
messagebox('Invalid params. blah blah')
return .F.
tnBegRow = evl(m.tnBegRow, m.tnEndRow)
tnEndRow = evl(m.tnEndRow, m.tnBegRow)
tnBegCol = evl(m.tnBegCol, m.tnEndCol)
tnEndCol = evl(m.tnEndCol, m.tnBegCol)
m.tnWB, m.tnSh, 'Print_Titles', SCOPE_SH_NAMED_RANGE, ;
'', m.tnBegRow, m.tnBegCol, m.tnEndRow, m.tnEndCol ;
LASTLY, changes to writeWorkBookXml method
*-- Note: definedName for Print_Titles:
*. Rows to repeat on top and columns to repeat on left are separated by a comma
*. for example: 'My Sheet'!$1:$1,'My Sheet'!$A:$C
*-- add to Locals
local lcSep, lcName, lcSheetName
*-- In the section write the named range info after line 63 add this code
lcName = alltrim(xl_namerange.rname)
if inlist(upper(m.lcName), 'PRINT_AREA', 'PRINT_TITLES')
lcName = '_xlnm.' + m.lcName
*-- replace line 64 with this
fwrite(lhFile, '<definedName name="' + m.lcName + '"')
*-- Line 69 requires correction (as was posted in issue # 72)
FWRITE(lhFile, ' localSheetId="' + TRANSFORM(xl_namerange.sheet - 1) + '"')
*-- replace line 74 with this one
lcSheetName = IIF(OCCURS(" ", lcSheetName)>0, "'", "") + lcSheetName + IIF(OCCURS(" ", lcSheetName)>0, "'", "")
*-- insert these lines after line 74
if upper(m.lcName) == '_XLNM.PRINT_TITLES'
lcSep = ''
if xl_namerange.begrow > 0
FWRITE(lhFile, lcSheetName)
fwrite(lhFile, '!$' + transform(xl_namerange.begrow) + ':$' + transform(xl_namerange.endrow))
lcSep = ','
if xl_namerange.begcol > 0
fwrite(lhFile, m.lcSep + lcSheetname)
fwrite(lhFile, '!$' + this.ColumnIndextoascii(xl_namerange.begcol) + ;
':$' + thiis.Columnindextoascii(xl_namerange.endcol))
FWRITE(lhFile, lcSheetName)
*-- do case .....