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SaveGridToWorkbook support alignment
SaveGridToWorkbook doesn't support the Alignment setting of a column. I tried to implement it using this code but for some reason it didn't work (starting at line 212):
IF toGrid.HeaderHeight > 0 && Change recommendation by Doug Hennig (if no headers, start in first row)
lnRow = tnBegRow
FOR lnCol=1 TO lnColCount
loColumn = toGrid.Columns(laColOrder[lnCol, 2])
*** DH 2023-12-04: don't assume the header object is named Header1
* this.SetCellValue(lnWB, lnSh, lnRow, lnCol+tnBegCol-1, loColumn.Header1.Caption)
loHeader = loColumn.Controls[1]
this.SetCellValue(lnWB, lnSh, lnRow, lnCol+tnBegCol-1, loHeader.Caption)
*** DH 2023-12-04: end of change
this.SetCellStyle(lnWB, lnSh, lnRow, lnCol+tnBegCol-1, loGrid.Columns(laColOrder[lnCol, 2]).HeaderStyleId)
this.SetColumnWidth(lnWB, lnSh, lnCol+tnBegCol-1, this.ConvertPixelsToExcelUnits(loColumn.Width))
*** DH 2024-05-26: handle cell alignment. Note: doesn't work
if inlist(loColumn.Alignment, 1, 2)
This.SetCellAlignment(lnWB, lnSh, lnRow, lnCol + tnBegCol - 1, iif(loColumn.Alignment = 1, CELL_HORIZ_ALIGN_RIGHT, CELL_HORIZ_ALIGN_CENTER))
endif inlist(loColumn.Alignment, 1, 2)
*** DH 2024-05-26: end of change
Also, around line 312:
this.SetCellStyle(lnWB, lnSh, lnRow, lnCol+tnBegCol-1, lnCellXfsId)
*** DH 2024-05-26: handle cell alignment. Note: doesn't work
if inlist(loColumn.Alignment, 1, 2)
This.SetCellAlignment(lnWB, lnSh, lnRow, lnCol + tnBegCol - 1, iif(loColumn.Alignment = 1, CELL_HORIZ_ALIGN_RIGHT, CELL_HORIZ_ALIGN_CENTER))
endif inlist(loColumn.Alignment, 1, 2)
*** DH 2024-05-26: end of change