vagrant-openstack-provider copied to clipboard
floating_ip is not giving me the ip of the remote server server
Hej, Im trying to retrieve the floating_ip on the vagrant file code to do some things with it but unfortunately seems to be behaving a little bit weird.... i get an object not an string.
g.vm.provision "ansible" do |ansible|
#ansible.verbose = "vvvv"
ansible.playbook = "grafana.yml"
config.vm.provider "openstack" do |cc|
ansible.groups = {
"grafana" => ["grafana"],
"grafana:vars" => {"variable1" => "#{cc.floating_ip}"}
end . The floating IP address from the IP pool which will be assigned to the instance..
@return [String] attr_accessor :floating_ip
And I get this: .vagrant/provisioners/ansible/inventory$ cat vagrant_ansible_inventory Generated by Vagrant
grafana ansible_ssh_host= ansible_ssh_port=22 ansible_ssh_user='ubuntu' ansible_ssh_private_key_file='.vagrant/machines/grafana/openstack/vagrant-generated-clxh3ah7'
[grafana] grafana
[grafana:vars] variable1=#Object:0x00000003250c80
NOTE: variable1=#Object:0x00000003250c80 as result for "grafana:vars" => {"variable1" => "#{cc.floating_ip}"}
This would be a really great variable to pass to provisioning, when using floating IP addresses the server tends not to know it's own IP address. If we could pass this along in an environment variable that would be cool too.
vagrant-openstack-provider is unusable with multiple vms:
- there is no way to fix ip;
- there is no way to setup dns;
- there is no way to provides vm ips (floating or not) to provisionners.