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Inference Vision Transformer (ViT) in plain C/C++ with ggml


The objective of the project is to create a C++ inference engine for Vision Transformer(ViT) models using ggml which focuses on performance on edge devices.

The implementation is destined to be lightweight and self-contained to be able to run it on different platforms.

Per device optimizations are possible and quantization techniques will be added soon.

[This is a work in progress]

Vision Transformer architecture

The implemented architecture is based on the original Vision Transformer from:

Vision Transfomer overview

Convert PyTorch to GGUF

# install torch and timm
pip install torch timm

# list available models if needed
# note that not all models are supported
python --list

# convert the weights to gguf : vit tiny with patch size of 16 and an image size of 
# 384 pre-trained on ImageNet21k and fine-tuned on ImageNet1k
python --model_name vit_tiny_patch16_384.augreg_in21k_ft_in1k --ftype 1


Simple build

# build ggml and vit 
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make -j4

# run inference
./bin/vit -t 4 -m ../ggml-model-f16.gguf -i ../assets/tench.jpg

The optimal number of threads to use depends on many factors and more is not always better. Usually using a number of threads equal to the number of available physical cores gives the best performance in terms of speed.

Per device optimizations

Generate per-device instructions that work best for the given machine rather than using general CPU instructions. This can be done by specifying -march=native in the compiler flags.

  • Multi-threading and vectorization
  • Loop transformations(unrolling)

For AMD host processors

You can use a specialized compiler released by AMD to make full use of your specific processor's architecture. Read more here : AMD Optimizing C/C++ and Fortran Compilers (AOCC)

You can follow the given instructions to install the AOCC compiler.

Note : For my AMD Ryzen™ 7 3700U, the improvements were not very significant but for more recent processors there could be a gain in using a specialized compiler.

Using OpenMP

Additionally compile with OpenMP by specifying the '-fopenmp' flag to the compiler in the CMakeLists file, allowing multithreaded runs. Make sure to also enable multiple threads when running, e.g.:

OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 ./bin/vit -t 4 -m ../ggml-model-f16.bin -i ../assets/tench.jpg


usage: ./bin/vit [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SEED, --seed SEED  RNG seed (default: -1)
  -t N, --threads N     number of threads to use during computation (default: 4)
  -m FNAME, --model FNAME
                        model path (default: ../ggml-model-f16.bin)
  -i FNAME, --inp FNAME
                        input file (default: ../assets/tench.jpg)
  -e FLOAT, --epsilon
                        epsilon (default: 0.000001)

Benchmark against PyTorch

First experiments on Apple M1 show inference speedups(up to 6x faster for base model) compared to native PyTorch inference. Extensive experiments will be conducted to verify this. A comparison with ONNX models will be added as well.

To-Do List

  • [ ] Implement Bicubic Interpolation:

    For now the image resizing is done with bilinear interpolation but the models were tranined with bicubic interpolation, this could result in loss of performance.

  • [ ] Add quantization

    • [ ] 8-bit
    • [ ] 4-bit
  • [] Test the inference

    • [✔] Run inference on a sample image
    • [✔] Compare with PyTorch output
    • [✔] Benchmark inference speed vs. PyTorch for different model sizes


  • [✔] Image preprocessing

    • [✔] Load the image from a file name
    • [✔] Create image patches
  • [✔] Convert the PyTorch weights

    • [✔] Use ggml tensor format to load the params
    • [✔] Validate the weights
  • [✔] Create a ViT object

    • [✔] Create a config to hold hparams
    • [✔] Create a ViT struct
      • [✔] ViT Encoder
        • [✔] ViT Embeddings
          • [✔] Patch Embeddings
          • [✔] [CLS] token
          • [✔] Positional Encodings
        • [✔] Transformer Encoder
          • [✔] Layer Norm
          • [✔] Self Attention
          • [✔] MLP
        • [✔] Pooling
      • [✔] Classifier

This project was highly inspired by the following projects: