dot-to-ascii icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
dot-to-ascii copied to clipboard

Graphviz to ASCII converter using Graph::Easy


Try it here:


How it works?

  • The index.html page sends XHR requests containing your Graphviz input to the dot-to-ascii.php script
  • The dot-to-ascii.php script runs the Graph::Easy command line tool to produce a text diagram from the provided Graphviz input
  • The result is returned back to index.html where it is displayed in a <pre> tag


Dot-to-ascii can be easily used in your code by performing https requests to the api.


import requests

def dot_to_ascii(dot: str, fancy: bool = True):

    url = ''
    boxart = 0

    # use nice box drawing char instead of + , | , -
    if fancy:
        boxart = 1

    params = {
        'boxart': boxart,
        'src': dot,

    response = requests.get(url, params=params).text

    if response == '':
        raise SyntaxError('DOT string is not formatted correctly')

    return response
graph_dot = '''
    graph {
        0 -- {1 2}
        1 -- {2}
        2 -- {0 1 3}

graph_ascii = dot_to_ascii(graph_dot)

                 │         │
     ┌───┐     ┌───┐     ┌───┐     ┌───┐
  ┌─ │ 0 │ ─── │ 1 │ ─── │   │ ─── │ 3 │
  │  └───┘     └───┘     │   │     └───┘
  │    │                 │   │
  │    └──────────────── │ 2 │
  │                      │   │
  │                      │   │
  └───────────────────── │   │

Run locally with docker

This uses the minimal Dockerfile with the default apache config etc. Not suitable for production use.

$ docker build -t dot-to-ascii .
$ docker run --rm -d --name dot-to-ascii -p 8080:80 dot-to-ascii
$ # open localhost:8080 in your browser