tsdecrypt copied to clipboard
[root@localhost tsdecrypt]# ./tsdecrypt --emm --camd-proto NEWCAMD --camd-server --camd-user user1 --camd-pass user1 --camd-des-key 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D --input --output --caid 0x4AD2 2022-09-18 23:22:47 | Syslog : disabled 2022-09-18 23:22:47 | CA System : UNKNOWN | CAID: 0x4ad2 (19154) 2022-09-18 23:22:47 | Input addr : udp:// 2022-09-18 23:22:47 | Input src : 2022-09-18 23:22:47 | Output addr: udp:// 2022-09-18 23:22:47 | Output intf: (IPv6 intf index:-1) 2022-09-18 23:22:47 | Output ttl : 1 2022-09-18 23:22:47 | Out filter : enabled (output only service related PIDs) 2022-09-18 23:22:47 | TS discont : report 2022-09-18 23:22:47 | Decoding : threaded 2022-09-18 23:22:47 | CAMD proto : newcamd 2022-09-18 23:22:47 | CAMD addr : (IPv4/IPv6) 2022-09-18 23:22:47 | CAMD user : user1 2022-09-18 23:22:47 | CAMD pass : user1 2022-09-18 23:22:47 | CAMD deskey: 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D 2022-09-18 23:22:47 | EMM process: Yes 2022-09-18 23:22:47 | EMM report : 60 sec 2022-09-18 23:22:47 | ECM process: Yes 2022-09-18 23:22:47 | ECM report : 60 sec 2022-09-18 23:22:47 | CW warning : 60 sec 2022-09-18 23:22:47 | Start tsdecrypt v10.0 (v10.0-50-g1b573a5, libdvbcsa) 2022-09-18 23:22:47 | Connecting input to port 1234 2022-09-18 23:22:47 | Input connected to fd:3 2022-09-18 23:22:47 | Connecting output to port 1234 ttl 1 2022-09-18 23:22:47 | Output connected to fd:4 2022-09-18 23:22:47 | CAM | Connecting to server port 34000 2022-09-18 23:22:47 | CAM | Connected to server port 34000 (addr= fd=5). 2022-09-18 23:22:49 | CAM | [newcamd] Card info: CAID 0x4AD2 Admin=YES srvUA=00000000000000F4 2022-09-18 23:22:49 | CAM | [newcamd] Card info: Provider 0 : 00030C : 0000000000000000 2022-09-18 23:22:49 | CW | ERR No valid code word was received for 2 seconds! 2022-09-18 23:22:49 | PAT | Using service 0x0324 (804), PMT pid: 0610 (1552) 2022-09-18 23:22:49 | NEW | Input PID 0x0000 appeared (PAT) 2022-09-18 23:22:49 | *** | ERROR: Can't detect ECM pid.
2022-09-18 23:22:49 | NEW | Input PID 0x0000 appeared (PAT) 2022-09-18 23:22:49 | *** | ERROR: Can't detect ECM pid. 2022-09-18 23:22:49 | NEW | Input PID 0x0610 appeared (PMT) 2022-09-18 23:22:49 | NEW | Input PID 0x0612 appeared (H.264/14496-10 video (MPEG-4/AVC)) 2022-09-18 23:22:49 | NEW | Input PID 0x0620 appeared (11172-3 audio (MPEG-1)) 2022-09-18 23:22:49 | --- | TS discontinuity on PID 0x0612 expected 10 got 3 /9/ (H.264/14496-10 video (MPEG-4/AVC)) 2022-09-18 23:22:49 | --- | TS discontinuity on PID 0x0620 expected 8 got 12 /4/ (11172-3 audio (MPEG-1)) 2022-09-18 23:22:49 | --- | TS discontinuity on PID 0x0000 expected 3 got 5 /2/ (PAT) 2022-09-18 23:22:49 | --- | TS discontinuity on PID 0x0610 expected 7 got 9 /2/ (PMT) 2022-09-18 23:22:50 | EMM | Received 4594, Skipped 21, Sent 1, Processed 0 in 3 seconds. 2022-09-18 23:22:50 | ECM | Received 0 (0 dup) and processed 0 in 3 seconds. 2022-09-18 23:22:50 | OUT | ERR The output is encrypted for 2496 ms, stopping output
./tsdecrypt --camd-proto NEWCAMD --camd-server --camd-user 1 --camd-pass 1 --camd-des-key 0102030405060708091011121314 --input --output --caid 0x0100 --ca-system SECA The same goes for the other CA encryption