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make html's IDs unique on using multiple code-blocks with 'lineanchors' options

Open mothsART opened this issue 9 years ago • 4 comments

Html's attribute "id" must be unique.

If you use multiple code-bocks with 'linespans' option activate, this affirmation isn't correct. I suggest a little patch to correct this.

Sorry for re-iterate a last PR :

mothsART avatar Jan 22 '15 22:01 mothsART

See example here:

and source :

mothsART avatar Jan 24 '15 18:01 mothsART

Would appreciate some help from @getpelican/reviewers. Would you please have a look at this pull request and submit your review?

justinmayer avatar Sep 30 '16 14:09 justinmayer


I plunged in this old PR and suggest this new stashing commit.

First, thks to iKevinY for reduce code and also complexity.

Second, to pass unit tests, i need to init generator on each change of pelican settings. (due to the successive calls methods test_basic_generation_works, test_custom_generation_works, test_custom_locale_generation_works)

I'm not familiar to Pelican's core and this way is probably inelegant.

Third, to response to iKevinY : global settings has no unit test.

To test, configure your like this

    'linenos': 'table',
    'anchorlinenos': '',
    'linespans': 'foo', 'lineanchors': 'foo'

Unbelievable.rst file bring test on a local directives (with a lineanchors prefix)

.. sourcecode:: python
    :classprefix: testing
    :hl_lines: 10,11,12
    :lineanchors: foo
    :linenos: inline
    :linenospecial: 2
    :linenostart: 8
    :linenostep: 2
    :lineseparator: <br>
    :linespans: foo


Fourth, I don't undersand why travis failed on docs.


This patch does work exclusively on Rst file, not Markdown (no real solution on pelican => need a patch on

To my personnal usage, i create the ace_editor ( plugin and he cover all my needs.

mothsART avatar Oct 02 '16 15:10 mothsART

I have found for the travis check : it's missing a dependence on tox.ini

mothsART avatar Oct 02 '16 20:10 mothsART