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Update UI of bottam bar instead of direct buttons
Problem description
Currently, for a bottom bar, there are directly buttons are there make a better UI and propose below the comments section the better UI holds for a better user experience so there should be good UI
Expected behavior
good UI design so it holds for good user experience
@shobhitagarwal1612 can I work on this thank you!
Which I made:
Some padding/margin would make it look even better
Just now I added the option that when we click the button the background colur changes to blue like this
Ok I will add some padding now
@Chromicle Nice work. I think you should improve it this way:
- When the user clicks on the button, the foreground color(color of the Text) should be white and the color of the background should be the Primary Color of the app.
@iadeelzafar Thanks for suggestion but, if I make like that means the app should not look colorful as all the colors are only the primary color only and white so I added the light blue color to that button so it looks good that is my opinion
@Chromicle We need to follow Material Design guidelines. It suggests to use two colors i.e. Primary and Secondary. Material Design
@shobhitagarwal1612 I would like to do work on it.
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@shobhitagarwal1612 I would like to do work on it.
I already made a PR on this you can find any other new issues
@Chromicle I understand that you raised the issue and wanted to work on it. But unless you claim the issue, how will others know that it is not picked by someone. Please take care of this for future references
@opendatakit-bot claim
Hello @Chromicle, you have been unassigned from this issue because you have not updated this issue or any referenced pull requests for over 15 days.
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@opendatakit-bot Yeah I am still working on it
@Chromicle it looks like you've closed a already raised PR.
@lakshyagupta21 due to merge conflicts are there I pushed before all commits so I closed that
I know sometimes merge conflicts are difficult to resolve but you shouldn't do this kind of practice if you face any such issues. And if you face any difficulties with Git let us know we'll help you out.
Apologizes for that, from next time onwards I will make sure that it does not happen
@lakshyagupta21 @Chromicle is this issue still open?
I updated my PR and it is under review
@Chromicle @lakshyagupta21 instead of button, can we use FABs? it would look good.
I don't think fabs look good for 2 buttons in the bottom it is bad UI, we use the fab if we have only one button I wrote the style for the button please have a look on it