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Text column with unlimited length in aggregate database
Issue by atbentley
Tuesday Jan 17, 2017 at 04:23 GMT
Originally opened as (5 comment(s))
It looks like creating specific length columns used to be supported, but there doesn't appear to be much documentation for how to do this using the newer app designer with formDef.json. Currently I'm only able to get column types of varchar(255), how can I get unlimited length text columns or arbitrary length text columns.
Aggregate: 1.4.12 App designer: 206b Database: postgres 9.4.4
Comment by mitchellsundt
Thursday Jan 19, 2017 at 18:34 GMT
For the 2.0 tools, this requires creating a model sheet in your XLS file.
You may also need to update to ODK Aggregate v1.4.13 though string length should work prior to that release (that release is required for fully custom data types, and perhaps array storage size changes).
Attached is an exemplar form (which ONLY works on v1.4.13 because, in addition to exercising string length settings, also defines custom data types).
The way to define the column length is via the number in the ()'s under the elementType column. E.g., string(500) will declare a varchar(500) column or equivalent.
In the model sheet, the name column is the field name of the field.
'col5' is an example of increasing a string field to a longer length (you can also decrease the storage size)
'col14' is an example of increasing a select-multiple field to a longer length. This is also something to verify -- that you have enough space to store all selected choices ( the JSON serialization of all the data_value from the choice list ). Note that unbounded or very large select-multiples will eventually exceed storage capabilities. In that case, moving to a parent-child-form would be required -- like in the household / household-member form. In that implementation, the child form would have a select-one from the choice list, and hold the instance id of the parent form. The parent form then can display all choices the user has selected via the prompt types derived from linked-table linking to this child form.
'col12' and 'col1a' are examples of defining an array of integer values and an array of geopoints (e.g., for a different type of select multiple or a geoshape-like field -- no prompt type exists for these in our software, but you could create one).
On Mon, Jan 16, 2017 at 8:23 PM, Andrew Bentley [email protected] wrote:
It looks like creating specific length columns used to be supported, but there doesn't appear to be much documentation for how to do this using the newer app designer with formDef.json. Currently I'm only able to get column types of varchar(255), how can I get unlimited length text columns or arbitrary length text columns.
Aggregate: 1.4.12 App designer: 206b Database: postgres 9.4.4
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-- Mitch Sundt Software Engineer University of Washington [email protected]
Comment by mitchellsundt
Friday Jan 20, 2017 at 00:32 GMT
Must have been swallowed by antivirus software.
Here's the link to this file in the repo.
Click the "Download" button to retrieve it.
On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 3:12 PM, Andrew Bentley [email protected] wrote:
The attachment is missing
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-- Mitch Sundt Software Engineer University of Washington [email protected]
Comment by atbentley
Sunday Jan 22, 2017 at 22:49 GMT
Thanks Mitch, got this working now. I had to upgrade to 1.4.13 though.
Comment by mathieubossaert
Friday Jun 09, 2017 at 08:08 GMT
Good morning, maybe I should create a new issue...
We are facing this problem and we "solved it" by modifying the xml (AGGREGATE 1.4.3 on PostgreSQL 9.6 and earlier version) We collect geoshape data and aggregate translate the type in a character varying(255) column. So we add a calculate hidden field named obs_coord: the string corresponding to the geoshape input value.
We need to modifiy the xml attribute for the field (odk:length="2000") and modify the header of the xml form to force aggregate to create a charactervarying(2000) column (xmlns:odk="" ):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<h:html xmlns:odk="" xmlns="" xmlns:ev="" xmlns:h="" xmlns:jr="" xmlns:orx="" xmlns:xsd="">
<h:head><!-- ODK Aggregate upload time: 2017-06-07T15:59:36.305+0000 on http://localhost:8080/ODKAggregate -->
<exo_mobile_8 id="exo_mobile_8" version="1">
<saisie_observateur jr:template="">
<saisie_observation jr:template="">
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<bind nodeset="/exo_mobile_8/saisie_date/date_obs" required="true()" type="date"/>
<bind nodeset="/exo_mobile_8/saisie_date/duree_obs" type="int"/>
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<bind nodeset="/exo_mobile_8/obs_geopoint" relevant="selected( /exo_mobile_8/option_localisation ,'gps_auto')" required="true()" type="geopoint"/>
<bind nodeset="/exo_mobile_8/obs_geoshape_type" relevant="selected( /exo_mobile_8/option_localisation ,'map_object')"/>
<bind nodeset="/exo_mobile_8/obs_geoshape_type/obs_localisation" required="true()" type="geoshape"/>
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<bind nodeset="/exo_mobile_8/local_rqs" type="string"/>
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<bind constraint="string-length( /exo_mobile_8/saisie_observation/recherche_esp/searchtext_latin )>2" jr:constraintMsg="Au moins 3 lettres !" nodeset="/exo_mobile_8/saisie_observation/recherche_esp/searchtext_latin" required="true()" type="string"/>
<bind nodeset="/exo_mobile_8/saisie_observation/search_nom_latin" relevant="string-length( /exo_mobile_8/saisie_observation/recherche_esp/searchtext_latin )>2" required="true()" type="select1"/>
<bind calculate=" /exo_mobile_8/saisie_observation/search_nom_latin " nodeset="/exo_mobile_8/saisie_observation/lb_cd_nom_latin" type="string"/>
<bind nodeset="/exo_mobile_8/saisie_observation/carac_observation_flore" relevant="selected( /exo_mobile_8/saisie_observation/recherche_esp/regne ,'plantae')"/>
<bind nodeset="/exo_mobile_8/saisie_observation/carac_observation_flore/flore_effectif" type="int"/>
<bind nodeset="/exo_mobile_8/saisie_observation/carac_observation_flore/effectif_textuel" type="select1"/>
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<bind nodeset="/exo_mobile_8/saisie_observation/carac_observation_flore/phenologie" type="select1"/>
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<select1 appearance="quick search('etudes')" ref="/exo_mobile_8/releve/id_etude">
<select1 appearance="quick search('protocoles')" ref="/exo_mobile_8/releve/id_protocole">
<input ref="/exo_mobile_8/releve/code_releve">
<label>Code du point de relevé</label>
<group ref="/exo_mobile_8/saisie_observateur">
<label>Observateurs du relevé</label>
<repeat nodeset="/exo_mobile_8/saisie_observateur">
<select1 appearance="quick search('structures')" ref="/exo_mobile_8/saisie_observateur/saisie_structure">
<label>Structure de l'observateur</label>
<hint>Saisissez une structure</hint>
<select1 appearance="quick search('observateurs','matches','id_structure', /exo_mobile_8/saisie_observateur/saisie_structure )" ref="/exo_mobile_8/saisie_observateur/search_observateur">
<hint>Ajoutez un observateur</hint>
<group appearance="field-list" ref="/exo_mobile_8/saisie_date">
<label>Date et durée du relevé</label>
<input appearance="no-calendar" ref="/exo_mobile_8/saisie_date/date_obs">
<label>Date de l'observation</label>
<input ref="/exo_mobile_8/saisie_date/duree_obs">
<label>Durée de l'observation</label>
<hint>en minutes</hint>
<select1 appearance="quick" ref="/exo_mobile_8/option_localisation">
<label>Choix du type de localisation des espèces</label>
<label>Prendre le point GPS oĂą je suis</label>
<label>Placer un point sur la carte</label>
<input ref="/exo_mobile_8/obs_geopoint">
<label>Localisation GPS automatique</label>
<group ref="/exo_mobile_8/obs_geoshape_type">
<label>Localisation sur la carte</label>
<input appearance="placement-map" ref="/exo_mobile_8/obs_geoshape_type/obs_localisation">
<label>Saisie de la localisation sur la carte</label>
<hint>Saisissez un polygone ou une ligne pour localiser votre observation</hint>
<input ref="/exo_mobile_8/local_rqs">
<label>Remarques sur la localisation des observations</label>
<group ref="/exo_mobile_8/saisie_observation">
<label>Saisie observation d'une liste d'espèces</label>
<repeat nodeset="/exo_mobile_8/saisie_observation">
<group appearance="field-list" ref="/exo_mobile_8/saisie_observation/recherche_esp">
<label>Recherche d'une espèce</label>
<select1 ref="/exo_mobile_8/saisie_observation/recherche_esp/regne">
<label>Règne animal ou végétal ?</label>
<input ref="/exo_mobile_8/saisie_observation/recherche_esp/searchtext_latin">
<label>Recherche d'une espèce nom latin</label>
<hint>Tapez au moins 3 lettres du début du nom d'espèce.</hint>
<select1 appearance="autocompletion search('taxref_sicen', 'startswith', 'lb_nom_key', /exo_mobile_8/saisie_observation/recherche_esp/searchtext_latin ,'regne', /exo_mobile_8/saisie_observation/recherche_esp/regne )" ref="/exo_mobile_8/saisie_observation/search_nom_latin">
<label>Espèce nom latin</label>
<group appearance="field-list" ref="/exo_mobile_8/saisie_observation/carac_observation_flore">
<label>Description de l'observation flore</label>
<input ref="/exo_mobile_8/saisie_observation/carac_observation_flore/flore_effectif">
<hint>Saisir effectif OU abondance</hint>
<select1 appearance="minimal" ref="/exo_mobile_8/saisie_observation/carac_observation_flore/effectif_textuel">
<select1 appearance="minimal" ref="/exo_mobile_8/saisie_observation/carac_observation_flore/strate">
<label>Strate arborée</label>
<value>Strate arborée</value>
<label>Strate arbustive</label>
<value>Strate arbustive</value>
<label>Strate sous-arbustive</label>
<value>Strate sous-arbustive</value>
<label>Strate herbacée</label>
<value>Strate herbacée</value>
<label>Strate muscinale</label>
<value>Strate muscinale</value>
<label>Strate lichénique</label>
<value>Strate lichénique</value>
<label>Sol nu</label>
<value>Sol nu</value>
<select1 appearance="minimal" ref="/exo_mobile_8/saisie_observation/carac_observation_flore/phenologie">
<label>État végétatif</label>
<label>En graine</label>
<label>En bouton</label>
<label>En fleur</label>
<label>En fruit</label>
<group appearance="field-list" ref="/exo_mobile_8/saisie_observation/carac_observation_faune">
<label>Description de l'observation faune</label>
<input ref="/exo_mobile_8/saisie_observation/carac_observation_faune/faune_effectif">
<select1 appearance="minimal" ref="/exo_mobile_8/saisie_observation/carac_observation_faune/age">
<select1 appearance="minimal" ref="/exo_mobile_8/saisie_observation/carac_observation_faune/sexe">
<select1 appearance="quick search('statut_repro')" ref="/exo_mobile_8/saisie_observation/statut_repro">
<label>Statuts / Reproduction</label>
<group appearance="field-list" ref="/exo_mobile_8/saisie_observation/remarques_obs">
<input ref="/exo_mobile_8/saisie_observation/remarques_obs/obs_rqs">
<label>Remarques sur l'espèce vue</label>
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Comment by atbentley
Thursday Jan 19, 2017 at 23:12 GMT
The attachment is missing
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Comment by atbentley
Thursday Jan 19, 2017 at 23:12 GMT
The attachment is missing
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Comment by atbentley
Sunday Jan 22, 2017 at 22:49 GMT
Thanks Mitch, got this working now. I had to upgrade to 1.4.13 though.
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Comment by atbentley
Sunday Jan 22, 2017 at 22:49 GMT
Thanks Mitch, got this working now. I had to upgrade to 1.4.13 though.=
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Issue by atbentley
Tuesday Jan 17, 2017 at 04:23 GMT
Originally opened as (5 comment(s))
It looks like creating specific length columns used to be supported, but there doesn't appear to be much documentation for how to do this using the newer app designer with formDef.json. Currently I'm only able to get column types of varchar(255), how can I get unlimited length text columns or arbitrary length text columns.
Aggregate: 1.4.12 App designer: 206b Database: postgres 9.4.4
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Issue by atbentley
Tuesday Jan 17, 2017 at 04:23 GMT
Originally opened as opendatakit/opendatakit#1265 (5 comment(s))
It looks like creating specific length columns used to be supported, but there doesn't appear to be much documentation for how to do this using the newer app designer with formDef.json. Currently I'm only able to get column types of varchar(255), how can I get unlimited length text columns or arbitrary length text columns.
Aggregate: 1.4.12
App designer: 206b
Database: postgres 9.4.4
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<a href=3D""><img src=3D"https://avatars1.g=" align=3D"left" width=3D"48" height=3D= "48" hspace=3D"10"> Comment by [mitchellsundt](https://github.c= om/mitchellsundt) Thursday Jan 19, 2017 at 18:34 GMT
For the 2.0 tools, this requires creating a model sheet in your XLS file.
You may also need to update to ODK Aggregate v1.4.13 though string length should work prior to that release (that release is required for fully custom data types, and perhaps array storage size changes).
Attached is an exemplar form (which ONLY works on v1.4.13 because, in addition to exercising string length settings, also defines custom data types).
The way to define the column length is via the number in the ()'s under the elementType column. E.g., string(500) will declare a varchar(500) column or equivalent.
In the model sheet, the name column is the field name of the field.
'col5' is an example of increasing a string field to a longer length (you can also decrease the storage size)
'col14' is an example of increasing a select-multiple field to a longer length. This is also something to verify -- that you have enough space to store all selected choices ( the JSON serialization of all the data_value from the choice list ). Note that unbounded or very large select-multiples will eventually exceed storage capabilities. In that case, moving to a parent-child-form would be required -- like in the household / household-member form. In that implementation, the child form would have a select-one from the choice list, and hold the instance id of the parent form. The parent form then can display all choices the user has selected via the prompt types derived from linked-table linking to this child form.
'col12' and 'col1a' are examples of defining an array of integer values and an array of geopoints (e.g., for a different type of select multiple or a geoshape-like field -- no prompt type exists for these in our software, but you could create one).
On Mon, Jan 16, 2017 at 8:23 PM, Andrew Bentley [email protected] wrote:
It looks like creating specific length columns used to be supported, but there doesn't appear to be much documentation for how to do this using the newer app designer with formDef.json. Currently I'm only able to get colu= mn types of varchar(255), how can I get unlimited length text columns or arbitrary length text columns.
Aggregate: 1.4.12 App designer: 206b Database: postgres 9.4.4
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Comment by mitchellsundt
Thursday Jan 19, 2017 at 18:34 GMT
For the 2.0 tools, this requires creating a model sheet in your XLS file= .
You may also need to update to ODK Aggregate v1.4.13 though string lengt=
should work prior to that release (that release is required for fully
custom data types, and perhaps array storage size changes).
Attached is an exemplar form (which ONLY works on v1.4.13 because, in
addition to exercising string length settings, also defines custom data
The way to define the column length is via the number in the ()'s under =
elementType column. E.g., string(500) will declare a varchar(500) column or=
In the model sheet, the name column is the field name of the field.
'col5' is an example of increasing a string field to a longer length (yo=
can also decrease the storage size)
'col14' is an example of increasing a select-multiple field to a longer
length. This is also something to verify -- that you have enough space to
store all selected choices ( the JSON serialization of all the data_value
from the choice list ). Note that unbounded or very large select-multiples=
will eventually exceed stor
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<a href=3D""><img src=3D"https://avatars1=" align=3D"left" width=3D"48" heigh= t=3D"48" hspace=3D"10"> Comment by [mitchellsundt](https://gi= Friday Jan 20, 2017 at 00:32 GMT
Must have been swallowed by antivirus software.
Here's the link to this file in the repo. /datatypes/todo/forms/datatypes/datatypes.xlsx
Click the "Download" button to retrieve it.
On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 3:12 PM, Andrew Bentley <[email protected]=
The attachment is missing
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Mitch Sundt Software Engineer University of Washington [email protected]
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Comment =
by mitchellsundt
Friday Jan 20, 2017 at 00:32 GMT
Must have been swallowed by antivirus software.
Here's the link to this file in the repo.
Click the "Download" button to retrieve it.
On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 3:12 PM, Andrew Bentley [email protected]
The attachment is missing
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Mitch Sundt
Software Engineer
University of Washington
[email protected]
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<a href=3D""><img src=3D"https://avatars1=" align=3D"left" width=3D"48" height= =3D"48" hspace=3D"10"> Comment by [mathieubossaert](https://git= Friday Jun 09, 2017 at 08:08 GMT
Good morning, maybe I should create a new issue...
We are facing this problem and we "solved it" by modifying the xml (AGGREGA= TE 1.4.3 on PostgreSQL 9.6 and earlier version) We collect geoshape data and aggregate translate the type in a character va= rying(255) column. So we add a calculate hidden field named obs_coord: the string correspo= nding to the geoshape input value.
We need to modifiy the xml attribute for the field (odk:length=3D"2000"= ) and modify the header of the xml form to force aggregate to create a char= actervarying(2000) column (xmlns:odk=3D" " ):=20
<?xml version=3D"1.0" encoding=3D"UTF-8"?>
<h:html xmlns:odk=3D"" xmlns=3D"http://www=" xmlns:ev=3D"" xmlns:h=
=3D"" xmlns:jr=3D""=
xmlns:orx=3D"" xmlns:xsd=3D"
<h:head><!-- ODK Aggregate upload time: 2017-06-07T15:59:36.305+0000 on h=
ttp://localhost:8080/ODKAggregate -->
<exo_mobile_8 id=3D"exo_mobile_8" version=3D"1">
<saisie_observateur jr:template=3D"">
<saisie_observation jr:template=3D"">
<bind nodeset=3D"/exo_mobile_8/releve/id_etude" required=3D"true()" t=
<bind nodeset=3D"/exo_mobile_8/releve/id_protocole" required=3D"true(=
)" type=3D"select1"/>
<bind nodeset=3D"/exo_mobile_8/releve/code_releve" type=3D"string"/>
<bind nodeset=3D"/exo_mobile_8/saisie_observateur/saisie_structure" t=
<bind nodeset=3D"/exo_mobile_8/saisie_observateur/search_observateur"=
required=3D"true()" type=3D"select1"/>
<bind nodeset=3D"/exo_mobile_8/saisie_date/date_obs" required=3D"true=
()" type=3D"date"/>
<bind nodeset=3D"/exo_mobile_8/saisie_date/duree_obs" type=3D"int"/>
<bind nodeset=3D"/exo_mobile_8/option_localisation" required=3D"true(=
)" type=3D"select1"/>
<bind nodeset=3D"/exo_mobile_8/obs_geopoint" relevant=3D"selected( /e=
xo_mobile_8/option_localisation ,'gps_auto')" required=3D"true()" type=3D"g=
<bind nodeset=3D"/exo_mobile_8/obs_geoshape_type" relevant=3D"selecte=
d( /exo_mobile_8/option_localisation ,'map_object')"/>
<bind nodeset=3D"/exo_mobile_8/obs_geoshape_type/obs_localisation" re=
quired=3D"true()" type=3D"geoshape"/>
<bind calculate=3D"string( /exo_mobile_8/obs_geoshape_type/obs_locali=
sation )" nodeset=3D"/exo_mobile_8/obs_geoshape_type/obs_coord" type=3D"str=
ing" odk:length=3D"2000"/>
<bind nodeset=3D"/exo_mobile_8/local_rqs" type=3D"string"/>
<bind nodeset=3D"/exo_mobile_8/saisie_observation/recherche_esp/regne=
" required=3D"true()" type=3D"select1"/>
<bind constraint=3D"string-length( /exo_mobile_8/saisie_observation/r=
echerche_esp/searchtext_latin )>2" jr:constraintMsg=3D"Au moins 3 lettre=
s !" nodeset=3D"/exo_mobile_8/saisie_observation/recherche_esp/searchtext_l=
atin" required=3D"true()" type=3D"string"/>
<bind nodeset=3D"/exo_mobile_8/saisie_observation/search_nom_latin" r=
elevant=3D"string-length( /exo_mobile_
Attention! We're housekeeping! This issue will automatically be closed if no feedback is received in one week.
If this issue is important to you or you can provide more information about it, please, do so as soon as possible :)