ZipUtility-Unreal copied to clipboard
Package build failing
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I'm getting this same error when trying to package. Has it ever been solved by anyone?
fixed in Re-pull master and recompile to include the fix (or the optional
This error would only occur when you were packaging for win32. It appears since ~UE4.20 the C4668 warning was added which caused the build to fail. Wrapping our 64bit check for dll loading with defined()
seems to fix it. Let me know if the fix definitively works for you.
Hi! Thanks for following the problem! I downloaded the new version, but now I've another problem when I build, same with 32 or 64. I tried also to open the VisualStudio project and build from there, and I have the same error:
Errore C1189 #error: "ZipUtilityInterface.generated.h already included, missing '#pragma once' in ZipUtilityInterface.h" SidelFlyMain_BranchNet21 d:\unrealproj_sidel\sidelflymain_branchnet21\plugins\ziputility-ue4\intermediate\build\win64\ue4editor\inc\ziputility\ZipUtilityInterface.generated.h 12
I looked in the suggested file from the error. but the required #pragma once is there.. have you seen this kind of error? any suggestion that I can try?
sounds like you need to clean your project/ delete your intermediate folder and rebuild
sounds like you need to clean your project/ delete your intermediate folder and rebuild
Ok, I resolved this problem, I forgot to delete a copy of the plugin that I had placed near the Engine folder. Now in visual studio it build nicely the solution.
But un UE now I returned to the original error, without the win64 part:
ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: Building 10 actions with 16 processes... ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: [1/10] PCH.WindowsFileUtility.cpp ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: [2/10] PCH.ZipUtility.cpp ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: [3/10] Module.ZipUtility.gen.cpp ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: [4/10] Module.WindowsFileUtility.gen.cpp ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: [5/10] Module.WindowsFileUtility.cpp ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: [6/10] Module.ZipUtility.cpp ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.16.27023\INCLUDE\vcruntime_new.h(71): error C4577: � stato usato 'noexcept' senza specificare la modalit� di gestione delle eccezioni. La terminazione in caso di eccezione non � garantita. Specificare /EHsc ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.16.27023\INCLUDE\vcruntime_new.h(82): error C4577: � stato usato 'noexcept' senza specificare la modalit� di gestione delle eccezioni. La terminazione in caso di eccezione non � garantita. Specificare /EHsc ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: [7/10] SharedPCH.Engine.cpp ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: [8/10] MyClass.cpp ParallelExecutor.ExecuteActions: [9/10] SidelFlyMain.cpp Log.WriteException: ============================================================================== Log.WriteException: ERROR: UBT ERROR: Failed to produce item: D:\UnrealProj_Sidel\SidelFlyMain_BranchNet21\Binaries\Win64\SidelFlyMain.exe Log.WriteException: (see C:\Users\3DVR\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\C+Program+Files+Epic+Games+UE_4.21\UBT-SidelFlyMain-Win64-Development_2.txt for full exception trace) Log.WriteException: Log.WriteException: BuildException: UBT ERROR: Failed to produce item: D:\UnrealProj_Sidel\SidelFlyMain_BranchNet21\Binaries\Win64\SidelFlyMain.exe Log.WriteException: in UnrealBuildTool.ActionGraph.ExecuteActions(BuildConfiguration BuildConfiguration, List
1 ActionsToExecute, String& ExecutorName, String TargetInfoForTelemetry, EHotReload HotReload) in D:\Build++UE4\Sync\Engine\Saved\CsTools\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool\System\ActionGraph.cs:riga 507
Log.WriteException: in UnrealBuildTool.UnrealBuildTool.RunUBT(BuildConfiguration BuildConfiguration, String[] Arguments, FileReference ProjectFile, Boolean bCatchExceptions) in D:\Build++UE4\Sync\Engine\Saved\CsTools\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool\UnrealBuildTool.cs:riga 1699
Log.WriteException: ==============================================================================
UnrealBuildTool.RunUBT: Total build time: 31,73 seconds (Parallel executor: 0,00 seconds)`
Sorry for the italian texts in the log! Do you have met this kind of error before? Everything is up to date Thanks!
You're somehow using exceptions in what I suspect is your windows includes, make sure you follow step correctly and have the right components installed, then clean and rebuild.
~~TBH we should be able to remove the windows dependency if we swapped to using the built-in folder watcher instead: When I wrote ziputility I didn't know about the build-in version, but this would be a fair bit of work to update the code. Contributions are welcome though.~~ NVM just realized the built-in version is editor context only.
I'm getting this same error when trying to package. Has it ever been solved by anyone?
UATHelper: 打包 (Windows (64位)): F:\zip419\Intermediate\Build\Win64\zip419\Development\zip419\Definitions.zip419.h(39): warning C4005: ��PROJECT_PRODUCT_IDENTIFIER��: ���ض���
UATHelper: 打包 (Windows (64位)): F:\zip419\Intermediate\Build\Win64\zip419\Development\zip419\Definitions.zip419.h(39): warning C4005: ��PROJECT_PRODUCT_IDENTIFIER��: ���ض���
UATHelper: 打包 (Windows (64位)): F:\zip419\Intermediate\Build\Win64\zip419\Development\zip419\Definitions.zip419.h(39): warning C4005: ��PROJECT_PRODUCT_IDENTIFIER��: ���ض���F:\zip419\Intermediate\Build\Win64\zip419\Development\zip419\Definitions.zip419.h(39): warning C4005: ��PROJECT_PRODUCT_IDENTIFIER��: ���ض���
UATHelper: 打包 (Windows (64位)): F:\zip419\Intermediate\Build\Win64\zip419\Development\zip419\Definitions.zip419.h(39): warning C4005: ��PROJECT_PRODUCT_IDENTIFIER��: ���ض���
UATHelper: 打包 (Windows (64位)):
LogSlate: Took 0.000257 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font '../../../Engine/Content/Slate/Fonts/NotoNaskhArabicUI-Regular.ttf' (144K)
UATHelper: 打包 (Windows (64位)): E:/UE4/UE_4.19/Engine/Intermediate/Build/Win64/UE4/Development/Engine/SharedPCH.Engine.h(36): note: �μ���PROJECT_PRODUCT_IDENTIFIER����ǰһ������E:/UE4/UE_4.19/Engine/Intermediate/Build/Win64/UE4/Development/Engine/SharedPCH.Engine.h(36): note: �μ���PROJECT_PRODUCT_IDENTIFIER����ǰһ������
UATHelper: 打包 (Windows (64位)):
UATHelper: 打包 (Windows (64位)): E:/UE4/UE_4.19/Engine/Intermediate/Build/Win64/UE4/Development/Engine/SharedPCH.Engine.h(36): note: �μ���PROJECT_PRODUCT_IDENTIFIER����ǰһ������E:/UE4/UE_4.19/Engine/Intermediate/Build/Win64/UE4/Development/Engine/SharedPCH.Engine.h(36): note: �μ���PROJECT_PRODUCT_IDENTIFIER����ǰһ������
UATHelper: 打包 (Windows (64位)):
UATHelper: 打包 (Windows (64位)): Module.WindowsFileUtility.cpp
UATHelper: 打包 (Windows (64位)): Module.ZipUtility.cpp
UATHelper: 打包 (Windows (64位)): E:\VS2017\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.14.26428\INCLUDE\vcruntime_new.h(67): error C4577: ��δָ���쳣����ģʽ�������ʹ���� "noexcept"����һ�������쳣ʱ��ֹ��ָ�� /EHsc
UATHelper: 打包 (Windows (64位)): E:\VS2017\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.14.26428\INCLUDE\vcruntime_new.h(78): error C4577: ��δָ���쳣����ģʽ�������ʹ���� "noexcept"����һ�������쳣ʱ��ֹ��ָ�� /EHsc
UATHelper: 打包 (Windows (64位)): Module.ZipUtility.gen.cpp
UATHelper: 打包 (Windows (64位)): Module.WindowsFileUtility.gen.cpp
UATHelper: 打包 (Windows (64位)): UELinkerFixups.cpp
UATHelper: 打包 (Windows (64位)): ERROR: UBT ERROR: Failed to produce item: F:\zip419\Plugins\ZipUtility-ue4-0.5.2\Binaries\Win64\UE4-ZipUtility.lib
How long will it take to fix this BUG?
I had the same problem and fixed it by adding bEnableExceptions=true;
to ZipUtility.Build.cs
Its the fix suggested on the Ureal forums for the error C4577
I had the same problem and fixed it by adding
Its the fix suggested on the Ureal forums for the error C4577
That worked also for me.
feel free to make a pull request with the fix and I'll merge it.
Should I put it under a different testing branch? The problem seems to appear only on certain compilers and others have reported that making this change breaks the plugin.
hmm I need to find some time to do a proper debug
latest release appears to package correctly, try it and let me know if something crops up.