ticketing copied to clipboard
Microservices example using NestJS, Kubernetes in Nx workspace
Ticketing (think concert tickets)
This project is a remix of the app built in the course microservices with node.js and react starting in chapter 5. You can find the source code for the course here.
This repository shows:
- another way to manage shared/common modules (with Nx)
- tricks to use Fastify with NestJS
- tricks to consume and produce ES6 modules with NestJS (and Nx)
- how to integrate Ory network in NestJS and Angular apps for authentication and authorization flows
- how to set up Ory in local and remote working environments
- how to use RabbitMQ with NestJS
- how to define/validate environment variables
- how to containerize Nx apps with Docker
- how to integrate Nx into a Kubernetes workflow
- how to dynamically rebuild Docker images based on the Nx project graph
User story
title Exchanging tickets online
section Register
Create a user: 3: Seller, Buyer
Signin : 3: Seller
section Search tickets
Find by name: 5: Buyer, Seller
section Create ticket offer
Write description: 3: Seller
Define price: 3: Seller
section Buy ticket
Reserve tickets: 5: Buyer
Place order: 3: Buyer
Pay ticket: 3: Buyer
section Check orders
See orders list: 5: Seller, Buyer
title: Ticketing architecture
flowchart LR
%% defining styles
classDef app fill:#f7e081,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
%% defining entities
FE[Angular app]
LB[Nginx proxy]
A[Auth API]
T[Tickets API]
O[Orders API]
P[Payments API]
E[Expiration API]
%% assigning styles to entities
%%class A,T,O,E,P,FE app;
%% flow
FE -->|HTTP| St <-->|HTTP| PS
FE -->|HTTP| ORY <-->|HTTP| AS
LB --->|HTTP| AS & TS & OS & PS
RMQ <-.->|AMQP| TS & OS & ES & PS
TS & OS & PS -->|HTTP| ORY
subgraph AS [Auth service]
direction LR
A --> A-M
subgraph ORY [Ory Network]
direction LR
subgraph TS [Tickets service]
direction LR
T --> T-M
subgraph OS [Orders service]
direction LR
O --> O-M
subgraph ES [Expiration service]
direction LR
E <--> E-R
subgraph PS [Payments service]
direction LR
P --> P-M
title: Ticketing entities
User ||--o{ Ticket : owns
User ||--o{ Order : owns
User ||--o{ Payment : owns
Ticket ||--o| Order : "bound to"
Order ||--o| Payment : "bound to"
User {
int id PK
string email "unique"
Ticket {
string id PK
string title
float price
int version
string userId FK
string orderId FK "Optional"
Order {
string id PK
string status
int version
string ticketId FK
string userId FK
Payment {
string id PK
string orderId FK
string stripeId "Charge ID from Stripe"
int version
Permissions are granted or denied using Ory Permissions (Keto) policies.
title: Entities namespaces and relationships
NamespaceRelations *-- Namespace
NamespacePermissions *-- Namespace
Namespace <|-- User
Namespace <|-- Group
Namespace <|-- Ticket
Namespace <|-- Order
Namespace <|-- Payment
Group o-- User : "members"
Ticket o-- User : "owners"
Order o-- User : "owners"
Order *-- Ticket : "parents"
Payment o-- User : "owners"
Payment *-- Order : "parents"
class Context {
subject: never;
class NamespaceRelations {
+[relation: string]: INamespace[]
class NamespacePermissions {
+[method: string]: (ctx: Context) => boolean
class Namespace {
-related?: NamespaceRelations
-permits?: NamespacePermissions
class User {
note for Group "<i>Users</i> can be <b>members</b> of a <i>Group</i>"
class Group {
+related.members: User[]
note for Ticket "<i>Users</i> (in owners) are allowed to <b>edit</b>. \nHowever <i>Ticket</i> <b>owners</b> cannot <b>order</b> a Ticket. \nImplicitly, anyone can <b>view</b> Tickets"
class Ticket {
+related.owners: User[]
+permits.edit(ctx: Context): boolean
+permits.order(ctx: Context): boolean
note for Order "<i>Order</i> is bound to a <i>Ticket</i>. \n<i>Users</i> (in <b>owners</b>) are allowed to <b>view and edit</b>. \n <i>Order's Ticket</i> <b>owners</b> are allowed to <b>view</b>."
class Order {
+related.owners: User[]
+related.parents: Tickets[]
+permits.edit(ctx: Context): boolean
+permits.view(ctx: Context): boolean
note for Payment "<i>Payment</i> is bound to a Ticket's <i>Order</i>. \n<i>Users</i> (in <b>owners</b>) are allowed to <b>view and edit</b>. \n<i>Payment</i> can be <b>viewed</b> by <i>Order's Ticket</i> <b>owners</b>."
class Payment {
+related.owners: User[]
+related.parents: Order[]
+permits.edit(ctx: Context): boolean
+permits.view(ctx: Context): boolean
participant Tickets service
participant Orders service
participant Payments service
participant Expiration service
participant RMQ
loop ticket:created
%% event emitted by tickets service
Tickets service->>+RMQ: Publish new ticket
RMQ-->>-Orders service: Dispatch new ticket
Note left of Orders service: Orders service needs to know <br> about tickets that can be reserved.
loop ticket:updated
%% event emitted by tickets service
Tickets service->>+RMQ: Publish updated ticket
RMQ-->>-Orders service: Dispatch updated ticket
Note left of Orders service: Orders service needs to know <br> if tickets price have changed and <br>if they are successfully reserved
loop order:created
%% event emitted by orders service
Orders service->>+RMQ: Publish new order
par RMQ to Tickets service
RMQ->>Tickets service: Dispatch new order
Note left of Tickets service: Tickets service needs to know<br>if a ticket has been reserved<br>to prevent its edition.
and RMQ to Payments service
RMQ->>Payments service: Dispatch new order
Note left of Payments service: Payments service needs to know<br>there is a new order that a user<br>might submit a payment for.
and RMQ to Expiration service
RMQ->>Expiration service: Dispatch new order
Note left of Expiration service: Expiration service needs to start<br>a timer to eventually time out<br>this order.
loop order:cancelled
%% event emitted by orders service
Orders service->>+RMQ: Publish cancelled order
par RMQ to Tickets service
RMQ->>Tickets service: Dispatch cancelled order
Note left of Tickets service: Tickets service should unreserve ticket<br>if the corresponding order has been<br>cancelled so this ticket can be <br>edited again
and RMQ to Payments service
RMQ->>Payments service: Dispatch cancelled order
Note left of Payments service: Payments service should know that<br>any incoming payments for this order<br>should be rejected
loop expiration:complete
%% event emitted by expiration service
Expiration service->>+RMQ: Publish complete expiration
par RMQ to Orders service
RMQ->>Orders service: Dispatch expired order
Note left of Orders service: Orders service needs to know that an order<br>has gone over the 15 minutes time limit.<br>It is up to the order service to decide<br> wether or not to cancel the order.
loop payment:created
%% event emitted by payments service
Payments service->>+RMQ: Publish payment created
par RMQ to Orders service
RMQ->>Orders service: Dispatch payment created
Note left of Orders service: Orders service needs to know that an order<br>has been paid for.
Environment variables
I am using dotenv-vault to manage environment variables. You can fork the project and use the following links to create your Dotenv project by forking the corresponding Dotenv project.
project | fork |
docker | |
auth | |
expiration | |
moderation | |
orders | |
payments | |
tickets |
Useful commands
... to run after configuring the required environment variables
# build custom Nginx Proxy
yarn docker:proxy:build
# build custom RabbitMQ node
yarn docker:rmq:build
# start the Storage and Broker dependencies (mongo, redis, rabbitmq)
yarn docker:deps:up
# start Nginx Proxy (for backend services and frontend app)
yarn docker:proxy:up
# Generate Ory network configuration from .env
yarn ory:generate:kratos
yarn ory:generate:keto
# start Ory network (Kratos and Keto with database migrations)
yarn docker:ory:up
# start backend services
yarn start:backend
# start (Angular) frontend app
yarn start:frontend:local