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How to gather metrics with less complexity?
Hello, As you can see in the following example, it's very expensive to get metrics with less complexity.
def masac_poller(device_type, timeout, retries, sqlitedbtable, banned):
""" Fetch SNMP metrics using fastsnmp module and send them to Carbon server """
# oids in group must be with same indexes
oid_group_main = {"": "ifDescr", "": "ifInOctets","": "ifOutOctets",}
oid_group_in = {"": "ifInOctets",}
oid_group_out = {"": "ifOutOctets",}
oid_group = {"": "ifDescr",}
tags = ("Vlan","unrouted","thernet")
if_desc_in = 'ifHCInOctets'
if_desc_out = 'ifHCOutOctets'
node = platform.node().replace('.', '-')
count = 0
for h in get_db_device_list(sqlitedbtable, device_type, banned):
timestamp = int(time.time()) # TODO Rather put timestamp inside the loop
###### Form a list of Interfaces and their indexes for a given DEVICE
hostnames = []
interfaces = []
e = {}
snmp_data = snmp_poller.poller(hostnames, (oid_group.keys(),), h['snmp_community'], 2, 0)
if len(list(snmp_data)) < 1 or h['snmp_community'] == '':
update_device_in_db(sqlitedbtable, h['login'], device_type, 1)
print("Banned " + h['ip'])
snmp_data = snmp_poller.poller(hostnames, (oid_group.keys(),), h['snmp_community'], int(timeout), int(retries))
for d in snmp_data:
#print("host=%s oid=%s.%s value=%s" % (d[0], oid_group[d[1]], d[2], d[3]))
e = {'hostname':h['login'], 'device':d[0],'index':d[2], 'interface':d[3]}
# Form a list of OUT metrics
outoctets = []
e = {}
snmp_data = snmp_poller.poller(hostnames, (oid_group_out.keys(),), h['snmp_community'], int(timeout), int(retries))
for d in snmp_data:
e = {'device':d[0],'index':d[2], 'outoctets':d[3]}
###### Form a list of IN metrics for Interfaces and their indexes for a given DEVICE
inoctets = []
e = {}
snmp_data = snmp_poller.poller(hostnames, (oid_group_in.keys(),), h['snmp_community'], int(timeout), int(retries))
for d in snmp_data:
e = {'device':d[0],'index':d[2], 'inoctets':d[3]}
hostnames.pop() # Put that the last
# now form a coupling list
metrics = []
e= {}
for interface in interfaces:
for inoctet in inoctets:
for outoctet in outoctets:
if interface['index'] == inoctet['index'] and interface['index'] == outoctet['index']:
e= {'hostname':interface['hostname'], 'device':interface['device'], 'index':interface['index'], 'interface':interface['interface'], 'inoctets':inoctet['inoctets'], 'outoctets':outoctet['outoctets']}
if tags[2] in e['interface'] and tags[0] not in e['interface'] and tags[1] not in e['interface']:
print("Processing: " + h['ip'])
lines= []
for ob in metrics:
identifier = ob['hostname'].replace(".","_")
if device_type == 'sdsl':
identifier = str(ob['hostname'].replace(".","_").replace("@","_at_")) + "_" +h['ip'].replace(".","_")
line_in = 'masac.test.%s.%s.%s %d %d' % (identifier, ob['interface'].replace("/","_").replace(" ","_"), if_desc_in, ob['inoctets'], timestamp)
line_out = 'masac.test.%s.%s.%s %d %d' % (identifier, ob['interface'].replace("/","_").replace(" ","_"), if_desc_out, ob['outoctets'], timestamp)
message = '\n'.join(lines) + '\n'
sock = socket.socket()
#sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
count = count + 1
return count
- The CPU overhead is due to this snippet, I presume:
metrics = []
e= {}
for interface in interfaces:
for inoctet in inoctets:
for outoctet in outoctets:
if interface['index'] == inoctet['index'] and interface['index'] == outoctet['index']:
e= {'hostname':interface['hostname'], 'device':interface['device'], 'index':interface['index'], 'interface':interface['interface'], 'inoctets':inoctet['inoctets'], 'outoctets':outoctet['outoctets']}
if tags[2] in e['interface'] and tags[0] not in e['interface'] and tags[1] not in e['interface']:
- Actually, I switched to that another way but I still do not know whether it's the best thing to do :
def masac_poller(device_type, timeout, retries, sqlitedbtable, banned):
""" Fetch SNMP metrics using fastsnmp module and send them to Carbon server """
# oids in group must be with same indexes
node = platform.node().replace('.', '-')
tags = ("Vlan","unrouted","thernet")
oid_group = {"": "ifDescr", "": "ifInOctets","": "ifOutOctets",}
count = 0
for h in get_db_device_list(sqlitedbtable, device_type, banned):
timestamp = int(time.time())
hostnames = []
snmp_data = snmp_poller.poller(hostnames, (oid_group.keys(),), h['snmp_community'], int(timeout), int(retries))
if len(list(snmp_data)) < 1 or h['snmp_community'] == '':
update_device_in_db(sqlitedbtable, h['login'], device_type, 1)
print("Banned " + h['ip'])
snmp_data = snmp_poller.poller(hostnames, (oid_group.keys(),), h['snmp_community'], int(timeout), int(retries))
e = {}
lines= []
for d in snmp_data:
metrics = []
oid = oid_group[d[1]]
host = d[0]
index = d[2]
value = d[3]
e['hostname'] = host
if "ifDescr" in oid:
e['ifDescr'] = value
e['index'] = index
if "ifInOctets" in oid:
pline = ("host=%s oid=%s.%s value=%s" % (host, oid, index, value))
e['ifHCInOctets'] = value
e['index'] = index
if "ifOutOctets" in oid:
e['ifHCOutOctets'] = value
e['index'] = index
metrics.insert(int(e['index']), e)
for device in metrics:
if len(device) == 5:
identity = h['login'].replace(".","_").replace("@","_at_")
if "sdsl" in device_type:
identity = str(h['hostname'].replace(".","_").replace("@","_at_")) + "_" + str(h['ip'])
for metric in ("ifHCInOctets","ifHCOutOctets"):
line = '%s.%s.%s.%s.%s %d %d' % (METRIC_PREFIX, device_type, identity, device['ifDescr'].replace("/","_").replace(" ","_"), metric, device[metric], timestamp)
if tags[0] not in device['ifDescr'] and tags[1] not in device['ifDescr'] and tags[2] in device['ifDescr']:
message = '\n'.join(lines) + '\n'
sock = socket.socket()
hostnames.pop() # Pop the hostnames after fetching needed metrics
return count
Check this example
@gescheit Real thanks. I am going to check that soon and feedback. By the first read, I can tell this is some real python programming.
Hi, gesheit,
Do you have a benchmark for fastsnmp? Don't have to be accurate. For example, to poll one OID, how many hosts can it poll per second? 100, 1K, etc. To poll 4 OIDS, how many host can it poll per second?
Hi! Main bottleneck of performance is decoding of SNMP-payload. My laptop is able to decode about 30k OIDs per second on localhost tests on 1 CPU. But in real life it must be considered with network parameters like delay, limited passthrough and packet-drops. Also network equipment typically have weak CPU and can answer very slowly or doesn't answer if it is on high load. So SNMP-poller must wait answer, resend query in case of timeout. Direct answer is next: in ideal world my laptop can pool 1k hosts with 4 OIDs in 1 second:) In real world, for example, 1k host would be polled in 1-30 seconds, 10k in 3-30 seconds, 100k 15-45...
Thank you for your answer.
I am very interested in your work. I may give it a try.
From: gescheit <[email protected]mailto:[email protected]> Reply-To: gescheit/fastsnmp <[email protected]mailto:[email protected]> Date: Monday, October 19, 2015 at 5:53 PM To: gescheit/fastsnmp <[email protected]mailto:[email protected]> Cc: Henry Lu <[email protected]mailto:[email protected]> Subject: Re: [fastsnmp] How to gather metrics with less complexity? (#2)
Hi! Main bottleneck of performance is decoding of SNMP-payload. My laptop is able to decode about 30k OIDs per second on localhost tests on 1 CPU. But in real life it must be considered with network parameters like delay, limited passthrough and packet-drops. Also network equipment typically have weak CPU and can answer very slowly or doesn't answer if it is on high load. So SNMP-poller must wait answer, resend query in case of timeout. Direct answer is next: in ideal world my laptop can pool 1k hosts with 4 OIDs in 1 second:) In real world, for example, 1k host would be polled in 1-30 seconds, 10k in 3-30 seconds.
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