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Classic ASP JSON Class Reading/Writing
I have a json string: [{"file":"78jsyhpg9mtf.jpg"},{"file":"imqk2680ra4p.jpg"}] that doesn't have primary object name. It is accessible via data(0)... But how do I iterate with for next loop over all elements in...
I need to insert some json objects into an existing json list. So let's say I have a json list inside my main object named Tasks looking like this. `{...
Hi there, Been trying to retrieve the message & code values in the following json data: { "exception_count" : "2", "exceptions" : [ { "exception" : [ { "message" :...
Hi all. When we load data from a string with loadJson() or we are displaying data with JSONoutput(), all processed strings are always trimmed. Is this a wanted behavior? In...
Hi there I was using ASPJson with WIndows 2012 and 2016, but using Windows 2019, it stopped working. I get error: Description: Object not a collection When I issue For...
When a text contain slashes then ASP Json replace it For example \r\n replaces as rn
can somebody tell me how to create this please { "SubscriptionId": "7620A519", "MainData": [ { "TransactionAgreement": { "TransactionSource": { "Institution": "Test Bank", "AccountHolder": "John Doe", }, "Reference": "EXT-AAA-0000001" }, "TransactionsToSchedule": ...
missing feature: result of loadJSON - valid input - position of parsing error
Please can you help me to read a collection inside another collection? Here it is my JSON: ``` { "versao": "3.3.12", "quantidade": 1, "**objetos**": [ { "codObjeto": "OV827287026BR", "tipoPostal": {...
This seems very slow - is there anything I can do to speed it up as there are an awful lot of records to process The page speed is ok...