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A universe of scope- and type-safe syntaxes (syntices?). Includes generic implementation of type-preserving renaming/substitution with all the proofs you could possibly need.
Universe of scope- and type-safe syntaxes
This repository contains Agda code in an experiment to come up with a generic representation of languages. The aim is a library that given a description of a language, will deliver the following functionality to the user:
An intrinsically typed representation of well-typed, well-scoped terms
Tm : Ctx → Ty → Set
A representation of well-scoped (but not necessarily well-typed) expressions
Expr : ℕ → Set
A representation of syntactically valid, but not necessarily well-scoped formulas
Form : Set
"All" the proofs about type-preserving simultaneous substitution over the typed representation
A type erasure function
untype : Tm Γ t → Expr (size Γ)
A scope checker
resolveNames : Scope n → Form → Maybe (Expr n)
As a validating example, I've added a purely symbolic implementation of STLC: reduction rules are explicit and defined in terms of substitution, and normalization is proven a la the relevant chapter of Pierce's Software Foundations.
Syntax definitions
A given language is described using the Agda datatype Code
data Binder : Set where
bound unbound : Binder
Shape : ℕ → Set
Shape n = List (Vec Binder n)
data Code : Set₁ where
sg : (A : Set) → (A → Code) → Code
node : (n : ℕ) (shape : Shape n) (wt : Vec Ty n → All (const Ty) shape → Ty → Set) → Code
The only difference to https://gallais.github.io/pdf/draft_fscd17.pdf
is that the node
constructor has a unified global view of all the
subterms; in particular, of all the types of the subterms. The meaning
of the well-typedness constraint wt
is that it takes two collections
of types: the types of the n
newly bound variables, the types of the
subterms; it also receives the type of the term just being
The idea behind wt
is to encode the typing constraints the same way
as one encodes a GADT in Haskell using only existentials and type
equalities. Here, we use existentials for the types of subterms, and
allow arbitrary constraints between them. The typed representation for
a given code carries witnesses of well-typedness in their constructor
for node
(omitting some details here):
data Con (Γ : Ctx) (t : Ty) : Code → Set where
sg : ∀ {A c} x → Con Γ t (c x) → Con Γ t (sg A c)
node : ∀ {n shape wt} (ts₀ : Vec Ty n) {ts : All (const Ty) shape} (es : Children Γ ts₀ ts) →
{{_ : wt ts₀ ts t}} → Con Γ t (node n shape wt)
data Tm (Γ : Ctx) : Ty → Set where
var : ∀ {t} → Var t Γ → Tm Γ t
con : ∀ {t} → Con Γ t code → Tm Γ t
Type systems
I have no idea yet what kind of type systems one can describe this
way; I've named the library SimplyTyped
as a conservative lower
The following example encodes STLC:
data `STLC : Set where
`lam `app : `STLC
STLC : Code
STLC = sg `STLC λ
{ `lam → sg Ty λ t → node 1 ((bound ∷ []) ∷ []) λ { (t′ ∷ []) (u ∷ []) t₀ → t′ ≡ t × t₀ ≡ t ▷ u }
; `app → node 0 ([] ∷ [] ∷ []) λ { [] (t₁ ∷ t₂ ∷ []) t → t₁ ≡ t₂ ▷ t }
For ````lam```bda abstractions, we store an argument type, and then bind one new variable, visible in one subterm; the well-typedness constraint then requires the type of the newly bound variable to match the user-supplied one, while also requiring the result type to be the correct function type.
For function app
lication, no new variables are bound, so the
well-typedness constraint only concerns the types of subterms.
The following pattern synonyms illustrate the typed representation of
(unfortunately, Agda doesn't support type signatures on pattern
synonyms, hence the comments):
-- [lam] : ∀ {Γ u} t → Tm (Γ , t) u → Tm Γ (t ▷ u)
pattern [lam] t e = con (sg `lam (sg t (node (_ ∷ []) (e ∷ []) {{refl , refl}})))
-- _[·]_ : ∀ {Γ u t} → Tm Γ (u ▷ t) → Tm Γ u → Tm Γ t
pattern _[·]_ f e = con (sg `app (node [] (f ∷ e ∷ []) {{refl}}))
If we want to add let
to our language, that's expressible with the
following change to STLC
data `STLC : Set where
`lam `app `let : `STLC
STLC : Code
STLC = sg `STLC λ
{ `lam → sg Ty λ t → node 1 ((bound ∷ []) ∷ [])
λ { (t′ ∷ []) (u ∷ []) t₀ → t′ ≡ t × t₀ ≡ t ▷ u }
; `app → node 0 ([] ∷ [] ∷ [])
λ { [] (t₁ ∷ t₂ ∷ []) t → t₁ ≡ t₂ ▷ t }
; `let → node 1 ((unbound ∷ []) ∷ (bound ∷ []) ∷ [])
λ { (t₀ ∷ []) (t₀′ ∷ t₁ ∷ []) t → t₀′ ≡ t₀ × t ≡ t₁ }
In fact, we can easily implement a transformation that gets rid of
s in some input language by inlining them:
data Phase : Set where
input inlined : Phase
data `STLC : Phase → Set where
`lam `app : ∀ {p} → `STLC p
`let : `STLC input
STLC : Phase → Code
STLC p = sg (`STLC p) aux
aux : `STLC p → Code
aux `lam = sg Ty λ t → node 1 ((bound ∷ []) ∷ []) λ { (t′ ∷ []) (u ∷ []) t₀ → t′ ≡ t × t₀ ≡ t ▷ u }
aux `app = node 0 ([] ∷ [] ∷ []) λ { [] (t₁ ∷ t₂ ∷ []) t → t₁ ≡ t₂ ▷ t }
aux `let = node 1 ((unbound ∷ []) ∷ (bound ∷ []) ∷ []) λ { (t₀ ∷ []) (t₁ ∷ t₂ ∷ []) t → t₀ ≡ t₁ × t₂ ≡ t }
open import SimplyTyped.Ctx Ty
open import SimplyTyped.Typed hiding (Tm)
Tm : (p : Phase) → Ctx → Ty → Set
Tm p = SimplyTyped.Typed.Tm (STLC p)
pattern [lam] t e = con (sg `lam (sg t (node (_ ∷ []) (e ∷ []) {{refl , refl}})))
pattern _[·]_ f e = con (sg `app (node [] (f ∷ e ∷ []) {{refl}}))
pattern [let]_[in]_ e₀ e = con (sg `let (node (_ ∷ []) (e₀ ∷ e ∷ []) {{refl , refl}}))
open import SimplyTyped.Sub (STLC inlined)
inline : ∀ {Γ Δ t} → Γ ⊢⋆ Δ → Tm input Δ t → Tm inlined Γ t
inline σ (var v) = subᵛ σ v
inline σ ([lam] t e) = [lam] t (inline (shift σ) e)
inline σ (f [·] e) = inline σ f [·] inline σ e
inline σ ([let] e₀ [in] e) = inline (σ , inline σ e₀) e
We can also express letrec
by simply making the newly-introduced variable
bound in both subterms:
; `letrec → node 1 ((bound ∷ []) ∷ (bound ∷ []) ∷ [])
λ { (t₀ ∷ []) (t₀′ ∷ t₁ ∷ []) t → t₀′ ≡ t₀ × t ≡ t₁ }
Of course, while adding the semantics of letrec
is straightforward,
modifying the proof of strong normalization to cover this extended
language would be... tricky :)