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No GPS data on T-BEAM S3CORE
Hi, I got T-BEAM S3CORE board, which originally came with SoftRF. Was working fine with GPS and FANET radio seen on the COM port. I flashed it with PlatformIO (VS-code) after cloning this git repository into vs-code.
[platformio] default_envs = T-Beam-S3Core
[env:T-Beam-S3Core] extends = esp32_base build_flags = ${esp32_base.build_flags} '-DENV="T-Beam-S3Core"' -DSH1106G -DAIRMODULE -DBOARD_HAS_PSRAM -DBLUETOOTH -DS3CORE -DARDUINO_USB_CDC_ON_BOOT=1 board = esp32-s3-devkitc-1 board_build.mcu = esp32s3 platform = espressif32 @ 6.3.2 board_build.partitions = 8mb_spiffs.csv upload_port = COM[4]
The board is working and output in COM Monitor looks like this:
$PFLAU,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0*52 $LXWP0,N,,,,,,,,,,,*6D $LXWP0,N,,,,,,,,,,,*6D $LXWP0,N,,,,,,,,,,,*6D $LXWP0,N,,,,,,,,,,,6D $PFLAU,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,052 $LXWP0,N,,,,,,,,,,,*6D $LXWP0,N,,,,,,,,,,,*6D $LXWP0,N,,,,,,,,,,,*6D $LXWP0,N,,,,,,,,,,,*6D
But I don't see any GPS sentences there. LED is not blinking. I can connect via Web interface. Also board connects to XC Guide via Bluetooth. Could you please point me in the right direction? Thanks
I suspect I have found an answer after some digging around. T-Beam-S3Core comes with two versions of GPS - Ublox chip or Quetel-chip L76K. I have the second one. L76K chip works with TinyGPSPlus library, if I flash with example sketch. But I believe TinyGPSPlus is not included in GXAirCom ? I see mention of setupQuetelGps(void) but I can't figure out how it meant to work.